Interview with Gunn (Silver Hood)!


Hello! And thank you for the questions! *turns in Tonight Show desk to Moira who’s sitting on a couch* Good afternoon, Doctor Gunn.
Good afternoon. *has ankle crossed on his knee*
Ready to get started?
Yes. This sounded fun from Chalmers’ description.


Great. First question: What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
Oh. Hmm. *rubs chin* I hadn’t thought of this before. I suppose “diligent?” I try to work hard.
That’s a good word to describe yourself. What was your favorite activity to do as a child?
*smiles* I suppose I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. I used to bandage my younger brothers when they were hurt or just for pretend.
*smiles too* That sounds like fun. What is it like being eldest of 7 brothers? How is your relationship with your other brothers?
I’m the closest with Chalmers since he’s the second eldest. He’s five years younger than me. My youngest brothers are five, seven, and nine, so whenever we spend time together it’s mostly wrestling. *chuckles* Acair and Nathair I have a decent relationship. Nathair is always encouraging to me, but Acair is usually tired or well … I hate to say it … lazy. *^ ^’* We’re the opposite in personality.
I know what that’s like. 
Would you give us a rundown of a regular day for you?
Well, I eat breakfast with my family on most mornings unless I had a late-night or have to tend to an emergency in the morning. The rest of the morning is spent attending patients and then I have lunch with Chalmers. Then in the afternoon, I’m either seeing patients or Chalmers and I are working on projects then I eat dinner with family.
What made you decide to be a doctor?
It’s what I’ve always wanted to do, ever since the first time I saw Chalmers scrape his knee while playing when I was seven years old. But even before that, I liked to bandage my mother or father’s wounds.
I feel like that about writing. Do you have any interests outside of the medical field?
I do like tinkering. I suppose I inherited that from my mother. Chalmers and I like to work on many different technological projects to help the medical field.
That sounds like a fun hobby. Thank you for being here, Gunn.
Thank you for having me.

What do you think of Gunn? Do you have any further questions for him? Have you ever done a character interview? Share a link in the comments!

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