I played the first game a few years ago and fell in love and I played the sequel as soon as I could download it in March! One of my many corona coping mechanisms. This one completes Ori’s story and brings a satisfying conclusion to the series. The writing for these games is just fantastic.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is about a forest spirit who helps raise a young owlet named Ku. After Ku learns to fly, she and Ori fly to another land far from their home, but a terrible storm thrusts them out of the sky and damages Ku’s wing. Ori must find a way to reunite with the owlet while evading the evil entity Shriek and find a way to heal the land before they can go home.

1.) A World Aesthetic

2.) Goals Changing at the Midpoint
A good third of the game is spent searching for sweet Ku, but then Shriek ruins everything and Ori’s goal is changed to saving the land so she can bring Ku back to life.

3.) An Ally Made Enemy Not of Their Will
Kwolok is your first big ally in the game. He’s the kind but powerful giant toad guardian of the Moki. But when a dangerous parasite takes over this gentle giant it’s pretty terrifying to behold and it hurts your heart to have to fight him and then a double whammy when it turns out he doesn’t survive this battle.

4.) Give Your Villain the Choice to Choose Light
In both Ori games, you get to see the villains’ backstories and both of them are quite tragic. Both of these villains Kuro and Shriek are given the choice to do the right thing and redeem themselves. In the first game, Kuro chooses to take the light back to its place even if it means her death, but Shriek acts in anger and despises the light. The latter avian antagonist loses the final battle and dies where she was born.

5.) Narrator Twist
In both Ori games there is an omniscient narrator who helps the story along. In the first game, find out fairly quickly that this narrator is the Guardian Tree, Ori’s father. In the sequel you assume it’s the same thing but it isn’t until the end that you realize it’s Ori telling the story after she becomes the new Guardian Tree.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is just as beautiful of a story as the first.

Great article ! I didn’t know video games could give such great writing ideas.