Writerly Bundle #5: Redintegrate, Dawn, and Lizzie’s Bennett’s Wit

Welcome to this week’s Writerly Bundle! A post where I hope to inspire you with three of the world’s greatest things: music, words, and tea.

I’m back with another Jane Austen inspired Writerly Bundle and today’s is Pride & Prejudice!

The Word:

verb (used with object), redintegrated, redintegrating.
1.) to make whole again; restore to a perfect state; renew; reestablish.

Example Sentence: Mr. Darcy strove to redintegrate the Bennett’s place in society after Lydia’s disgrace.

Collin Firth is the bestest.
The Song:
from Pride and Prejudice
by Dario Marionelli

Though I’m more of a fan of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, I do have to say the more current version’s soundtrack is superior. This piano solo is absolutely gorgeous. It has a sense of wonder and happiness. As a pianist myself I’m a bit biased since the dynamics in this are just fantastic. This piece is good for a historical or a contemporary, possibly a fantasy.

The Tea:

Lizzie Bennett’s Wit

Photography by moi

The Description:  A black tea blend created for a gentleman’s favorite daughter. Her strong character and decided opinions are met with equal fervor for her tenderness of heart and affection for her sister and eventually, Mr. Darcy. In this cup we found a black tea with some strength of character was needed along with cranberries to represent her quick wit and sharp mind. The sweetness felt for her sister and close friends is found floating through the blend, putting one in mind of black forest tortes especially if adding a splash of milk. Mr. Collins would be enraptured, no doubt. However, you will have to decide for yourself if you are willing to part with a cup for any less worthy than your choosing.

China black tea, estate Kenilworth black tea, dried cranberries, blue mallow flowers and natural flavoring.
Photography by moi
How I found it: Bingley’s Teas was generous enough to give me a lovely box of samples for review! I discovered them because of Sara Letourneau over at Bibliophile’s Reverie!
The Tea: To be honest, I was a bit nervous at first whiff of this tea. I inhaled a strong cherry aroma and I really don’t like fake cherry flavors. The taste is very different. It has a rich black tea flavor with sweetness from the mallow flowers and light tartness from the dried cranberries, no cherry flavor at all to my relief.

The tea definitely fits Miss Eliza’s character. It’s black richness reminds me of her strength of character, loyalty, firmness, and her dark hair while the cranberries like the description says make me think of her wittiness and sharp tongue. The mallow flowers reflect on her fine eyes and her tenderness toward Jane. It has a very feminine beauty taste. It makes me feel girly drinking it.

Serving Recommendations: I steeped this tea at 208 F for four minutes and added sugar and cream.

How much is it and where can you get it? You can find this tea at the Bingley’s Tea’s website for $16.95 for 6o grams of tea. That’s a lot of tea. You could make at least twenty cups from that.

So how good is it? Though I didn’t love this one as much as Emma’s blend, I enjoy it greatly. Four stars!
Have you seen or used this word before? Have you heard this piece before? Have you tried this tea? Have you seen or read Pride & Prejudice?

If you liked this post, come back every other Tuesday for book reviews; Friday for tags, character interviews, and link-ups; Saturdays for writing advice and life updates; and Sundays for the Writerly Bundle which includes a new soundtrack piece, vocabulary word, and tea review! To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂

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