Wanderer’s Pen Fifth Bloggoversary!

I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for five years! It’s pretty crazy. Blogging has really grown me as a writer and a person and I’m so happy I start even though this blog had humble beginnings.


I can’t believe I’m almost to a quarter of a million views on this blog. Thanks you guys!

Comments: 55

Comments: 136
Facebook: 100 Likes

Comments: 185

Comments: 823

Pageviews: 83,616
Google Friend Connect: 91
Blog Lovin’: 42
Comments: 1,626
Facebook: 319 Likes
Pinterest: 405 Followers
Twitter: 273 Followers

Pageviews: 230,433
Google Friend Connect: 110
Blog Lovin’: 62
Comments: 2,714
Facebook: 371
Pinterest: 659
Twitter: 369
Instagram: 128

So Your Character is From Another Country Project:

This project is growing so fast! As of now there are posts up about twenty five different countries! Thank you to everyone who has participated and is participating in the future!

Algeria  Australia  Belgium  Canada   China  The Dominican Republic  Finland  France  Germany  India  Indonesia  Ireland  Liberia  The Netherlands  Mexico  New Zealand  Papua New Guinea  Panama  Peru  The Philippines  Slovakia  Sri Lanka  Thailand  The United Kingdom (England & Scotland, Wales) The United States of America (Southeast, Midwest, Puerto Rico)

As always if you don’t see your country here and you’d like to volunteer for the project, please shoot me an email at howellvictoriagrace(a)gmail(dot)com! I’m particularly looking for people from Brazil, Russia, Iraq, Egypt, and Spain. 

Thank yous

I value all of my readers, but I wanted to point out a few that have really stood out. ^ ^

1.) Christine @ Musings of an Elf – Thank you for geeking out with me! It’s always a joy to read your comments!

2.) Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer – Thank you for being so loyal! You comment on almost all of my posts and that makes me so happy. 🙂

3.) Tracey @ Adventure Awaits – Thank you for following me for so long! It’s so awesome to have people who’ve been following me literally years. 

4.) Sara @ Sara Letourneau’s Website and Blog – Thank you for commenting on my posts here and on other sites. ^ ^ It’s really encouraging!

5.) Anna Haber – Thank you for all of your insight you’ve added to the posts you’ve commented on. 🙂


I want to give a little something back, so I’m giving away a $20 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner! This is open for international residence as well!

Thank you again everyone for sticking with me this long and leaving me encouraging comments and just being awesome. I keep writing because you keep reading!

When’s your bloggoversary? What has blogging taught you? What book would you get if you won? What songs would you get if you won? What teas would you get if you won? Do the jump break posts make scrolling easier on the blog?

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