Voted Most Likely Tag!


Brie Donning opened this tag to anyone and I thought it was super fun so I stole it haha. I get to talk about so many of my characters!

Les method

Choosing from among your own original characters, answer the below questions based on which character best suits the answer, then explain your choice.

Les rules

Rule One: Thank the lovely blogger who tagged you. You know you want to.

Rule Two: Include this lovely link in your post.

Rule Three: Use your own lovely Original Characters (OC’s); don’t use a friend’s characters or characters from your favorite fandom. They can be from any project, so long as you created them. For more fun, try to use as many different characters as possible.

Rule Four: Tag at least five lovely blogger friends to play along.


1.) Most Likely to Be a Poet

Matt from Subsapien already loves writing, so he’d definitely try out poetry. 

More about Matt!

2.) Most Likely to Dance in the Rain

Rouyn from Starbloods is a really carefree person and he loves walking in the warm summer rain in his Mediterranean-like environment home.

More about Rouyn!

3.) Most Likely to Look Good in a Kilt

Silanoc from Starbloods is a very diverse dude and he enjoys immersing himself in many different cultures. I could see him pulling off a kilt perfectly.

More about Silanoc!

4.) Most Likely to Drop Everything and Become a Sheep Herder

Meldar from Starbloods is a really zen character. He loves meditation, peace, and harmony. If he felt like being a sheepherder was his calling, he’d do it.

More about Meldar!

5.) Most Likely to Be Found in the Library

Brian from Subsapien is only nine, but he’s prodegy-grade smart. Though in his sci-fi world he mostly reads digital books, he’d love to get his hands on some original tomes.

More about Brian!

6.) Most Likely to Sleep Through an Earthquake

Claes from Red Hood has crazy work ethic and he exhausts himself from juggling being a silver miner and a silversmith. Plus being deaf in one ear makes him even more susceptible to just sleeping through anything. 

More about Claes!

7.) Most Likely to Steal Food from Other Peoples’ Plates

Ashlyn from Subsapien has general kleptomaniacal tendencies and she steals from peoples’ plates regularly–with her extra-long chameleon tongue.

More about Ashlyn!

8.) Most Likely to Cheat on a Test

Mor from Red Hood though she would be loath to admit it would probably cheat on a test to get ahead. She really doesn’t like her classes and would rather be out killing werewolves and taking names and she’d use cheating if necessary to get through a challenging class.

More about Mor!

9.) Most Likely to Say “Oops” After Setting Something on Fire

Emil from Subsapien is very accident prone. He’d definitely do this. XD

More about Emil!

10.) Most Likely to Open an Orphanage

Ingrid from Subsapien is such a sweetheart and has a big heart for children. She already volunteers to help kids. I could totally see her founding an orphanage. 

More about Ingrid!



11.) Most Likely to Run off with the Circus

Harlowe from Starbloods doesn’t like to be in any one place for too long and he can transform into so many different forms he could be the circus. Traveling around and feeding his extrovertedness with performing is right up his alley!

More about Harlowe!

12.) Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Bryce from Subsapien is pretty kick-butt and he would slaughter some zombies haha! He’s also resourceful and can survive in many different circumstances.

More about Bryce!

13.) Most Likely to Fake Their Own Death

Einer from Red Hood is trapped in a circumstance he can’t leave. Faking his own death would really be his only way out. 

More about Einer!

14.) Most Likely to Die and Haunt Their Friends

Aska from Red Hood would have a lot of unfinished business if she died, so she’d definitely have grounds for haunting. 


Les questions for convenience

1.) Most Likely to Be a Poet
2.) Most Likely to Dance in the Rain
3.) Most Likely to Look Good in a Kilt
4.) Most Likely to Drop Everything and Become a Sheep Herder
5.) Most Likely to Be Found in the Library
6.) Most Likely to Sleep Through an Earthquake
7.) Most Likely to Steal Food from Other Peoples’ Plates
8.) Most Likely to Cheat on a Test
9.) Most Likely to Say “Oops” After Setting Something on Fire
10.) Most Likely to Open an Orphanage
11.) Most Likely to Run off with the Circus
12.) Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
13.) Most Likely to Fake Their Own Death
14.) Most Likely to Die and Haunt Their Friends

Les nominees

Christine @ Musings of an Elf
Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer
Alex @ Summer Snowflakes
Emily @ The Ones That Really Matter
Rachel @ R’s Loft

Have you participated in this tag? What are some of your answers to these questions? Let’s chat!

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