Voice Week Day 4: Emil

It’s day four for Voice Week! This week I’m posting a small bit from the point of view of different characters characters from my science-fiction series Subsapien. I’m doing a scene each day for five days to try to strengthen the voice of each character. The voice is the individual thought pattern of the character and how they see the world. I’ve already posted snippets from Bryce’s, Matt’s and Ingrid’s points of views. Today I’m doing Emil. ^ ^ The last snippet will be from Brian‘s point of view!

Emil sat on the floor of the test room, tapping the back of his head against the padded wall over and over again. His stomach growled for the millionth time. When were the grens gonna feed him? 
The door opened just long enough for his handler set a bowl of white mushy balls the size of little Ashlyn’s fists on the floor before it shut again.
He sniffed. Food? He crawled over to it. Creamy, white stuff that smelled like milk. No drug smell. It looked like food. Milk is food. He grabbed a handful of it with his meaty hand. Cold food. It began to melt in his fingers, getting his hand all sticky. Better eat it fast. He shoved it in his mouth. A lot of the white stuff smeared on his cheeks, lips, and nose. 
A piercing headache jabbed his brain. The cold numbed his tongue. He pressed the heel of his hand to his temple. My brain is in pain. 
Well, at least it made him less hungry. 

What do you think of the excerpt? Have you done Voice Week? Links?

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Avra-Sha Faohla
Avra-Sha Faohla
10 years ago

Imulsive, less intelligent than the others. I must admit I thought this voice was going somewhere else when I read the first paragraph. But maybe that's just me. . . .

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Avra-Sha Faohla
10 years ago

Yep you pegged him. Lol. XD I read over that and I can see that now. Thank you for commenting!

10 years ago

This one reminds me of Johny Bravo for some reason… 😀
Very different voice from others!

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Anonymous
10 years ago

Lol haven't heard about Johny Bravo in a while. XD Thank you! And thanks for commenting!

10 years ago

Hurray! Someone eats it at last!I suspect Emil of being the strongest of the group, physically, if not mentally

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Anonymous
10 years ago

Hee hee. He's physically one of the strongest, but not always the brightest tool in the shed. XD

10 years ago

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Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Anonymous
10 years ago

Your comment made me laugh, but I'm trying to keep my blog clean so I'm just going to reinsert your comment minus the swear word in this comment. But thank you for commenting. ^ ^

christinakannSeptember 25, 2014 at 2:59 PM
I love how Emil is the first character to just eat the dang snowball thingies. Everyone else was very timid, and it seems rightfully so considering their situation. But it reveals a lot about Emil. I can't wait to see how this wraps up with Brian.