The Music Tag

Emmy @ Little Black Sheep tagged me for this and of course I’m not going to pass up an opportunity to talk about music. 😉

Les Questions:

1. Do you like listening to music?

Of course.

2. What song(s) are you listening to lately?

At the time of writing this post, I’m listening to the piano version of “Shelter” by Porter Robinson, “The Making of a Cyborg” from Ghost in the Shell, “Inner Universe” from Ghost in the Shell, and “In my World” ENGLISH version by Amalee.

3. What is your favorite kind of music?

Instrumental soundtracks for the most part, though I do like some alternative rock and pop. I listen to a lot of music in foreign languages as well like German, Icelandic, Latin, Samoan, and Japanese.

4. What is your favorite song?

I don’t have just one. XD Some of my top favorites are “Gravity” from Wolf’s Rain, “Krone” from Guilty Crown, “Innocent Warrior” from Moana, “Arrietty’s Song” from the Secret World of Arrietty, and “Bioluminescence of the Night” from Avatar.

5. What is your favorite instrument?

My favorites are piano, cello, and violin.

6. Do you play an instrument? If not what instrument would you play if you could?

I play the piano and I have since I was seven.

7. What kind of radio do you prefer to listen to?

I’m not that crazy about the radio. I don’t like not being able to skip songs.

8. What kind of apps or pc programs do you use for listening to music?

iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and Listen on Repeat.

9. Do you like creating music? Which software do you use for music creation?

When I make my own covers I do it on the piano. I like to figure out songs by ear like I figured out “Sacrifice” from Ori and the Blind Forest and “Dirty Paws” by Of Monsters and Men. I don’t post them anywhere though. I just do it for fun. Ten years of piano lessons were good for something.

10. Are there songs that make you think of people you know?

“Shelter” by Porter Robinson makes me think of my friend Cassia since she showed it to me, any song from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack makes me think of my mom, and “Wings of Freedom” from Attack on Titan makes me think of my friends Casey and Amy.

11. Are there songs that make you think of a color?

Any track from Avatar makes me think of blue, any one from Lord of the Rings makes me think of green, and “Silence & Departures” by EGOIST makes me think of a soft rosy pink.

12. Are there songs that cause in you particular emotion?

Oh yeah. “Krone” makes me feel passionate, “Guren no Yumiya” makes me feel determined, “Arrietty’s Song” makes me feel whimsical, “Call of Silence” by Hiroyuki Sawano makes me feel reflective and “Apotheosis” by Austin Wintory makes me feel victorious.

13. Think at two kind of music you don’t like. Why you don’t like them?

I can’t stand rap and heavy metal.

14.  What would be the OST (Original Sound Track) of your life?

A few songs that would be on my OST are definitely “Gravity,” “Go the Distance” from Hercules, “Rainbow Connection” from The Muppet Movie, “My Dearest” by EGOIST, “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, “How Does a Moment Last Forever Reprise” by Emma Watson, and “NC17” from Zankyou no Terror to name a few. 

Basically, I like music that’s deep and inspires me. I like music that elevates me as a person and cheers me up when I’m down. My favorite songs are those that make my soul soar.

The questions for your convenience: 

1. Do you like listening to music?

2. What song are you listening in this moment?

3. Ehat is your favorite kind of music?

4. What is your favorite song?

5. What is your favorite instrument?

6. Would you like playing an instrument?.

7. What kind of radio do you prefer to listen?

8. What kind of apps or pc programs do you use for listening to music?

9. Do you like creating music? Which softwers do you use fo music creation?

10. Are there songs that make you think to precise people you know?

11. Are there songs that make you think to a color?

12. Are there songs that cause in you particular emotion?

13. Think at two kind of music you don’t like. Why you don’t like them?

14.  What would be the OST (Original Sound Track) of your life?

Les Nominees:

Tracey @ Adventure Awaits
Sara @ Sara Letourneau’s Website and Blog
Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer

Have you done this tag? What are some of your answers? What is your favorite musical genre?

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