The Bookshelf Tour Tag & the Totally Should’ve Book Tag

Time to get to more of the many tags that tend to pile up. Don’t get me wrong. I love that you tag me. It just takes me a while to get to them all. Both of these are from Liz @ Out of Coffee Out of Mind. One is her original tag and the other is another one that’s been circling around. Without further ado let’s get to them!

1.) Totally should have gotten a sequel: Replication by Jill Williamson –I felt like it had such potential for an epic sci-fi, but it was cut off to a standalone. 

Read my review!

2.) Totally should have had a spin-off series: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs – I think an awesome spin-off series would be one about Jacob’s grandfather protecting peculiars. Yes, please!

Read my review!

3.) An author who totally should write more books: Suzanne Collins- PLEASE SUZANNE WRITE MORE BOOKS! The Hunger Games is one of my favorite series of all time. 

4.) A character who totally should have ended up with someone else: Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke – Why Maggie? Why didn’t you go with Fareed? 

5.) Totally should have ended differently: Allegient by Veronica Roth – Tris … TRIS! ‘Nuff said.  

Read my review!

6.) Totally should have had a movie franchise: Dragons in Our Midst series by Bryan Davis – Okay, anyone who has read this series agrees that this would be the next epic fantasy series if a director with a good budget took it up. I mean come on, dragons, king arthur, candlestones, giants, demons? Somebody snatch this up, please! 

7.) Totally should have had a TV show: The Jevin Banks Files series by Steven James – This series is about an illusionist with a dark past who helps debunk mysteries then gets involved in conspiracies. The characters are just fantastic and the plots amazing. This needs to be a TV show.

Read my review!

8.) Totally should have had only one point of view: the 5th Wave by Rick Yancey – Like I mentioned in my POVs post, the POVs in this book were freaking insane. I couldn’t tell who’s POV I was in half the time. For the love of Pete, why didn’t he just stick to Zombie’s point of view?

Read my review!

9.) Totally should have a cover change: Blur by Steven James – The cover is fine I guess, but after reading the book I feel like it could be better. 

10.) Totally should have kept the original covers: Dragons of Starlight by Bryan Davis – I prefer these darker covers over the the new ones, because I feel like they fit the tone of the story more.

11.) Totally should have stopped at book one: Divergent by Veronica Roth – Loved the first book, but I honestly didn’t care for the rest. 

Read my review!

12.) I totally should have stopped reading: Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl – I may get a lot of hate for this one, but I really did not like this book. The protagonist drove me nuts. The only reason I read it all the way through is because the publishing company gave it to me and some other people to write a review for.

13.) Totally should have not prejudged: Raising Dragons  by Bryan Davis – A friend gave this to me for my birthday when I was teenager. I put of reading it for about a year before one summer I finally picked it up. I finished the book in two days. That’s the fastest I’ve ever finished a book to date. 

1.) A short but powerful book: The Giver by Lois Lowery – This book is about 200 pages, but it definitely carries a lot of weight to it about humanity, perfection, and morality.

Read my review!

2.) A good, long book: The Bones of Makaidos by Bryan Davis – This book is 676 pages long and absolutely epic.

3.) Favorite classic (on your shelf): The Lion, the Witch, and, the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis – This is the closest book I have to a classic on my shelf, I love it. ^ ^

4.) A relatively obscure book: Curio by Evangeline Denmark – This is a new Christian steampunk novel that I suppose is a little obscure, but that needs to change. It’s great!

Read my review!

5.) An underrated book: Failstate by John W. Otte – One of my favorite superhero stories. It’s so creative and has such a great message. It needs more attention. 

Read my review!

4.) An overrated book: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater – I’ve seen this book hyped up across the blogosphere, but honestly after reading it I feel like it was overhyped. 

5.) Most reread book: Raising Dragons by Bryan Davis – I read this book at least four times, two times myself and two times out loud to people. I was obsessed over it as a teen. 

6.) A book you haven’t read: Firebird by Kathy Tyers – I picked up this book at Realm Makers, and I haven’t gotten around to reading it, but it looks super interesting!

Review coming soon!

7.) A short story collection: ??? – I don’t really have any short story collections, so I don’t have one for this. 

8.) A non-fiction book: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis – This is by far my favorite non-fiction book ever. It answers so many questions about the Christian faith.

9.) A book (physical copy, not the story itself) that has an interesting story behind it: Reapers by Bryan Davis – For years I attended the Florida Christian Writers conference, and while there Bryan Davis taught our class and shared tidbits of this book when it was a work in progress, so I basically saw this book grow into a novel and eventually be self-published over a few years. 

Les Nominees:

I’m only going to tag five people, because it’s easier. If you’ve done these tags then don’t worry about it. Pick and choose what you want to do. ^ ^

1.) Anna Deubell @ Light from the Shadows

2.) Kristen Burns @ Metaphors and Moonlight

3.) Elisabeth Wheatley @ Inkspelled Faery

4.) Anna Haber @ The Storytelling Scientist

5.) Mary Horton @ Sunshine Scribblings

Thanks again, everyone who tagged me, and I hope you nominees enjoy the tags!

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