Tea Tuesday: Coconut Pouchong

I’m not really a coffee person. I prefer tea, and I know a lot of fellow writers love tea, too. But have you ever wanted to break out of the Early Grey or English Breakfast norm and try something new? Well, let me help you find some cool new teas! If you need a little hot and flavorful boost to help you reach your writing goal or you’re just a lover of tea or you’d like to try some tea but aren’t fond of the stereotypical types, these Tea Tuesday posts are for you.
This weeks tea is … 
*drum roll*
Coconut Pouchong

How I found it: While in downtown Marietta a few weeks ago, I noticed some of the antique shops were selling teas so I decided to buy three for Tea Tuesday and see how they were. 

The Tea: It basically is coconut-flavored oolong–cheap oolong. It tasted a bit old honestly. With a higher quality oolong perhaps it could be better, but with this it was eh. 

When I think of coconuts, I think of Zazu.
Serving Recommendations: I steeped it for four minutes and added sugar and cream which improved the flavor marginally.

How much is it and where can you get it? I bought this tea in an antique shop called Dupre’s in Downtown Marietta GA. Unfortunately I think you can only get it locally because it is called “Marietta Select.” I would link to a website, but I don’t think there is one. Perhaps a similar tea can be found online. I bought this tea for $3 for a sample size pouch which had a good amount of tea. 
So how good is it? It was an okay tea. Like I said before, it would probably be better with a higher quality oolong. After having Tea Ave oolongs, it’s hard to stomach cheaper ones. Three stars.

Have you tried this tea? What did you think of it?

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂
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VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Lol I hear ya. I have to keep reviewing so my stash keeps growing lol. I haven't tried one of theirs in a while (they're pricey XD), but I really enjoyed the Jasmine Dragon Pearls. I'm a complete Adagio Teas addict. Have you heard of them?

Sara Letourneau
Sara Letourneau
9 years ago

Yes! I try not to go there very often because, well, my tea stash is pretty full right now. *lol* But yes, I like some of their teas, too. I especially like their oolong choices. And their White Ayurvedic Chai is wonderful, too. Just enough flavor without being too spicy. How about you?

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Oh! I like Jasmine Dragon Pearls too! I reviewed that tea on here a while back. ^ ^ It makes me think of Iroh from ATLA. I did an oolong series a while back. Oolongs are so good. ^ ^ Do you like Teavana?

Sara Letourneau
Sara Letourneau
9 years ago

*lol* Let me think…

– Golden Orchid (black tea) from Whispering Pines
– Jasmine Dragon Pearls from… anyone who sells them *lol*
– Monkey Picked / Tie Guan Yin oolong… again, in general
– Royal Jasmine Oolong and Marianne's Wild Abandon (black, green, fruit, and flower blend) from Bingley's Tea
– Buddha's Blend (green, jasmine, white, and flower blend) from DavidsTea

Oops, that's actually six. 😉

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Yep yep. ^ ^ 1 p.m. EST.

Yes, I like rooibos.^ ^ Oh really? That's cool!

That'd be neat! I want to make fandom blends of my own. I've just wanted to try a wide variety so I know what a good amount of the teas are before creating the oh so special ones for my characters lol.

Okay um …. Top three or five? lol

Sara Letourneau
Sara Letourneau
9 years ago

Ooooh, that means you'll have a new one today then! 🙂 Will have to look for it.

Do you like rooibos tea? Bingley's Teas has a coconut rooibos that features coconut shavings as part of the blend. It's called Lydia Had More Fun, named after Lydia Bennet in Pride And Prejudice.

I'm actually creating some fandom blends through Adagio for my novel / WIP. Maybe you'd like to try them once they've launched? 🙂

A favorite tea? Ohhhhhhhh I can narrow it down to favorites for each type of tea. But picking just one is impossible! *lol*

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Ohhh. Lol. I'm in the US. It may be similar to Constant Comment. That is orange with spices. Have you heard of that?

Sunny Smith
Sunny Smith
9 years ago

Yep, it's my favourite! Here in Canada, Orange Pekoe by Tetley is pretty standard. It comes in big blue boxes that everyone (I know) has stashed away in their pantries.

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

I've got lots. ^ ^ I especially like doing fandom teas from AdagioTeas. Have you heard of them?

I have not had that, but I hope this does! Is that tea your favorite? Thank you for commenting!

Sunny Smith
Sunny Smith
9 years ago

This sounds so fancy! I'm impressed; I've never seen any tea reviews before:)

I'm so boring. All I drink is Tetley's Orange Pekoe. But maybe this series will inspire me!

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Oh yeah. Maaaajor tea drinker. I do tea reviews every Tuesday. ^ ^ Yummy! There are so many teas out there. I've tried so many since I've started doing these reviews.

*nods* Yeah this one wasn't that great. Normally I like coconut flavorings, but this was bad quality. The Adagio Teas I've reviewed are the best quality. They're so so good.

Do you have a favorite tea?

Thanks so much for commenting!

Sara Letourneau
Sara Letourneau
9 years ago

Oooooh, you're a tea drinker, too? 😀 A friend introduced me to herbal and white teas a couple years ago – and now I have about 4 to 5 cups of tea a day! *lol*

Hmmmm. I love a good oolong, but I'm not sure how I'd like it with coconut flavoring. I've had vanilla-flavored oolong before, from two different companies. One had too much vanilla (almost sickening), but the other is more balanced.