Spring Cleaning Writing Challenge

May the Fouth be with you! 😉 Christine @ Musings of an Elf tagged me for Deborah’s original tag! I haven’t done a tag in a little while and I need to kick myself into a writing mood so what better time to do this one?!

Les Rules:

  • Link back to the person who tagged you. 
  • Share the picture.
  • Answer the questions or even pick and choose which ones you answer. 
  • Tag 3 other writers and inform them that you tagged them (via comment/message/email or hey, even carrier-pigeon or smoke signal; I’m not picky).

Les Questions: 

1. Dust-bunnies and Plot-bunnies: Reorganize Your Writing Goals (Or Make New Ones)

Revise Red Hood and Resend to Publishers and Agents – I’ve been super close to getting this book several times and one of the publishers who rejected me gave me detailed feedback on how I can fix the story, so I’m working on revising it so I get resubmit. 

Finish SilhouetteThis was my NaNo novel last year and though I’m having some trouble with it I still want to modify it and get it ready for pitching next year.

Participate in NaNoWriMo – I really want to participate in NaNo in November. Don’t want to break the streak. XD I’m not sure what I’ll be participating with yet, but it’ll probably be from either the Subsapien or Red Hood series. 

Find More Writing Gigs – I’d like to find some more blogs or magazines to write for to make some more money from writing.

Save Up for Iceland Writers Retreat – This is definitely my biggest goal. I’m almost a quarter of the way saved up and I’m hoping to get that higher come summer when I usually go to big events for work. But I’m definitely going to do everything I can to go to this conference. I’m also going to apply for scholarships and even do a Go Fund Me if I have to. I’m dying to go!

2. Which Stage Are You At? Expound!

a. Remodeling layouts (planning the story)
b. Painting the walls in colorful hues (writing)
c. Polishing the windows and scrubbing the floors and putting flowers in vases (editing)
d. Blueprints (not to the cleaning or remodeling yet… just drawing up plans for the very beginning inklings of a story)
e. Some combination of those things (cleaning out a closet)

C for Red Hood and E for Silhouette.

3. Treasure From the Back of the Closet (Share one to three snippets you love!)

I can’t sleep and dream, but I can daydream. I can remember my past. Somehow that’s still stored in my soul though I have no brain—like a ghost. A ghost in a doll. ~Cohen, from Silhouette

The rusty radiance of
the hot forge and the lemon light from his lantern lit the smithy. ~ from Red Hood

3.5. Bonus: Do Some Actual Spring Cleaning of Your Writer Self! (and share a picture!)

I’m kind of an organized person, so I keep my writing pretty well kept. Here’s a pic of my Scrivener though. XD 

Les Nominees:
Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer
Anna @ The Story Scientist
Rosalie @ Penprints

Have you done this tag? What are some of your answers? What is the first book you remember reading during your childhood?

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