Questions for Bryce (Subsapien)!

This month’s call for questions for a character interview is here! And I’m bringing Bryce out of the woodwork. I know I’ve already done a ton of interviews with him and stuff (Beautiful People: BryceBeautiful People Sibling Edition: Bryce & MattBeautiful People Friendship Edition: Bryce & Emil) but that was six months ago and my bae needs some attention since I’ll be editing his book this summer. And he’s never done an interview where you all ask the questions. He’s the main character from my science fiction series Subsapien. I’ll tell you a little bit about him. 

Bryce is a seventeen year old cheetah subsapien grafting. His only family is his younger brother, Matt, whom he’s fiercely protective over. The only life Bryce has ever known is that as an experiment in a lab called the L.G.R., but when he was seven a man told him of the wonders of the Outside and Bryce is determined to get his sickly brother to a place where he can be safe and happy–even if Bryce has to sacrifice his life for it.
At twelve years old, Bryce used his charm, passion, and superior fighting skills to become the Dominant or lead grafting over the hundreds in his lab. He has encouraged and guided his kind in their collective pursuit for freedom. His second in command has been Emil, his best friend. However, Bryce’s endeavors have been slowed since he got into a severe accident during a large test. The lab had him transported to one in the capital of the United Americas Domes where Bryce was made into a biomech with metal appendages and eyes.

He has been forced to live with humans his age named Pro and Caleb. All his life, Bryce has despised humans for the cruelty and brutality they’ve shown him and his species. But it seems that now the only way to find his little brother and leave Rota for good is directly work for the Head of Rota, legal owner of Bryce and all the other graftings.

Leave your questions in the comments or in the form if you’d wish to remain anonymous or if you’re having trouble with the comments and Bryce will answer them on April 29th! Thank you!

If you liked this post, come back every other Tuesday for book reviews; Friday for tags, character interviews, and link-ups; Saturdays for writing advice and life updates; and Sundays for the Writerly Bundle which includes a new soundtrack piece, vocabulary word, and tea review! To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂

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