Well as I predicted in my post last year, my 27th year was a hard one, but last year was hard for everyone. Still, despite all of the crappiness of 2020 and extending a bit beyond there is some good to be found. And I’m hoping matters will get steadily better rather than worse as the year goes on.
Birthday Happenings
Like last year, I went hiking close to my birthday which I always love. Getting out in nature is really refreshing and I tried out a new trail this time!
On the actual day of my birthday, I celebrated with my Animal Crossing villagers and wrote for a few hours at my favorite local cafe Sweet Hut. Then I had dinner with my dad and cake with my mom. It was a nice day.
Milestones I Hit During My 27th Year …
1.) I Got A DNA Test – This has been a bucket-list item for me for some time. I’ve always wanted to know my exact percentages of where I come from since I love genealogy. <3

2.) I Got a Siamese Cat – I adopted my precious sweetheart Momo. She’s been such a joy in my life and it’s so great to have kitty dynamics between her and Lessy. I can’t believe she’s almost a year old!
3.) I moved to this new site! – I’d wanted to move to my own URL for years and I finally did it!
4.) I started an Etsy Shop – I’ve had many of my friends urge me to start an Etsy shop and I finally did! You can check out my shop Neverfound Figures on Etsy and Instagram!
5.) I registered for classes – I’m starting school in June and I’ve officially been accepted into college and have registered for classes! Journalism degree here I come!
6.) I visited Yellowstone National Park – Visiting this park was a bucket list to me and I added two more states (Wyoming and Montana) to my list of US states I’ve been to. It was an amazing experience! I got to see wild buffalo and geysers for the first time and it was the reinvigorating experience I needed to propel myself through the rest of 2020.
I’ll have to admit my 27th year wasn’t as great as others, but I’m hoping my 28th will be different. The world seems to be healing and I’m hoping school will give me a new heading in life since I’ve hit dead ends in other areas. Thanks again for your support throughout my 27th year!
[…] Now I’m 28 … […]
I’m glad you had a good birthday! I hope 28 is a fantastic year for you!!
Thank you!
Aahh, I love this! So many cool things! Happy, happy birthday! *throws confetti and virtual cupcakes* I hope this coming year is AMAZING!
Aw thank you!
A most happy 28th, dear friend!!! *throws confetti* I know your 27th year was far from easy, but I’m so glad you did have some highlights. And I’m SO proud of you for doing big things like moving your site over and starting an Etsy shop and still finding time to travel, plus registering for college! You are doing such big, amazing things and it’s awe-inspiring.
I do hope your 28th year proves to be filled to the brim with blessings and amazing things. Happy birthday!!!
(And sorry I’m late on this. WordPress JUST sent me the email for this post for some crazy reason.)
You’re so sweet, Christine. <3 Thank you for being my cheerleader. You definitely made 2020 brighter for me!
(No worries WP glitched out on me and sent it out late. XD)