Now I’m 22

First day of being 22. 

Growing up is weird. I just turned 22 this week, and it feels … well … weird. I’ve started this journey of being a writer officially at 16 then started this blog at 19 and now I’m 22 and I feel in my heart I’m on the verge of being published. Big swoop of nostalgia.

And I have a theme song now:

I had some rough spots in my 21st year but I also had a lot of triumphs and good times. I feel like I grew especially a lot last year as a person and as a writer.

Here are some highlights:

I went to MomoCon with two of my good friends and I got to meet several animation voice actions including Dante Basco aka Zuko! 😀
If you’ve read my “So Your Character is Adopted …” post then you know that I’m, well, adopted. Last year I finally met my birth grandparents on my dad’s side! They’re so nice. Yes, I know it sounds like something in a book. Feels that way too.
At long last my best friend Cassidy finally came to visit! She lives in Florida, okay?
It was a long time coming. We had a fantastic time!
I went to DragonCon, cosplayed, and met several actors
 including Craig Parker aka Haldir from the Lord of the Rings!
I won the Beyond the Steeple Award for Red Hood at the
Florida Christian Writers Conference and I had an awesome time with so many good friends!
For my birthday I had a Hobbit/Lord of the Rings marathon with one of my good friends!
I had a lot of amazing accomplishments in writing even besides the award. In my 21st year I worked on three different books: edited one, rewrote another, then drafted another in NaNoWriMo which I won (Woot! Woot!) and now up to now I’m rewriting the one I edited. It needed more work lol. I have an editing position for the website Geeks Under Grace and I have some publishers highly interested in some of my work so my 22nd year will mostly be working on getting material ready for them! I’m working on two books at the same time right now. Not recommended lol. 
Among some geeky gifts, for my birthday I got Omega Dragon by Bryan Davis, Failstate: Legends by John W. Otte, and a Bestiary! You’ll see reviews of those two novels in the future and probably several of those creatures from the bestiary in my stories. ^ ^
Thanks to everyone that contributed to making my 21st year awesome! Thank you to my friends and family and all you readers out there. I feel like I’m so close to finally being a published author and it’s all because of you guys! 
When’s your birthday? Is it in April as well? What are some of your highlights of last year?
If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂

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9 years ago

You're 22…is that, like, old or something???
kidding, you're not anywhere near old.
According to my dad (obviously from a guy's perspective, cause it doesn't really matter between two girls) when guessing a girl/woman's age the perfect answer is 23, because a girl younger than that suddenly feels mature and a woman older than that suddenly feels youthful. …not actually sure why I typed that, but I thought of it when I saw '22' in your post ,so…

I was reading this and thinking 'Starbucks tea…don't know that song…ZUKO!' and then I saw your grandparents and 'AAAAAAAAAAAA
So sweet! I'm glad you got to meet them and I hope, for you and them, that you get to see them a lot; grandparents are some of the best things ever!

I wish you a (very late) Happy Birthday and I look forward to seeing what happens for you this year!
(say 'hi' to Able for me!)

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  RuthEB
9 years ago

Hey. ^ ^ That's funny. My mom jokes that her age is 24.

My grandparents are pretty cool. ^ ^ I hope to see them again in the summer maybe.

Thank you for the birthday wish! Hopefully good things will be happening! ^ ^ I will tell him hi. 😉 And thank you for commenting!

What Lexie Loves
What Lexie Loves
9 years ago

Happy 22! It must feel so awesome – I have another 12 years until that day!

22 by Taylor Swift is awesome isn't it, great theme song choice! 😉

– Lexie

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  What Lexie Loves
9 years ago

It feels very different that's for sure lol. It is a great song! Thanks for stopping by. ^ ^