My Dream Reading Space

Arhaus encouraged me to do a post about what my dream reading space would be (Check out their living room page to get a look at what they do!). Thus I’ve decided to go completely all out. I doubt this place actually exists and I doubt I’ll ever have the money to actually do this, but it is dream right?

None of these images are mine.

 The Location – I’d want to be able to have this space in France. I love France. It’s a gorgeous country and I’d like the window of the space to have a view of the French alps.

And I’d want it to be near a small French village where I could restock my book supply at the local bookstore.

And a French bakery for refreshments.

The Space – I’d want it to be a beautiful library, not too different than Beauty and the Beast.

But I’d like my particular space to be a little closed off so it’s quiet and cozy.

And it would have a nice big window seat with pillows and shelves for books. I love window seats. ^ ^

With a fireplace nearby. 

And I’d have one of these fantabulous mermaid blankets.

The Material – To start off to read I’d have box sets of some of my favorite series.

The Refreshments – I like having a snack and a cup of tea while I read, so that means I want to have a variety of tea available.
And if I’m going really out there I’d like to be able to have tea lattes whenever I want. 

And of course I have to have it in an amazing mug.

Then onto the snacks! I’d have my favorites, which are croissants, rugalech, and fruit tarts.

The Companionship – Reading is even better with friends, so I’d want to have my adorable kitty Lessy with me.

And some of my best friends!

And that’s my dream reading room! 

What would your dream reading room be like? Do you like to have refreshments while you read? What have you been reading lately?

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