Fall has finally arrived in the South and the weather has been just so beautiful! I’ve been taking lots of walks in this gorgeous weather when I’m not prepping for NaNo!
What I did
1.) I’m mostly ready for NaNo! I’m having a little outline trouble for Black Hood, but in regards to Silver Hood, I’m prepared!
2.) I went to the Georgia National Fair with friends! The weather was really nice and I had a blast riding rides and gorging on fair food!
3.) I finished All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, The Scent of Her Soul by B. Allen Davis, and And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie!

4.) I’ve had numerous articles go up this month. I wrote a piece about Ace Attorney for Think Christian, and some new list pieces for CBR:
10 Best Attack On Titan Cosplays
10 Best Pokémon Trainer Cosplays
Ghost In The Shell: 10 Differences Between The Movie And The Manga
Boruto: 10 Best Cosplays
The Geeky Department
1.) I played three video games this month: Okami, RiME, and Ori and the Blind Forest. Ori I’ve played twice before but it came out on the Switch and I had to play it on a system that can handle the amazing graphics. Okami and RiME were okay. RiME had a lot of wasted world building in my opinion and Okami had a lot of story problems. I liked parts of them, but other parts put them in the only three-star category for me.

2.) Promptly after finishing the And Then There Were None novel, I jumped over to watching the BBC mini-series and it was very well done. A perfect adaption of the book. I watched it twice!

3.) I’ve started the new season of My Hero Academia! I’m only two episodes in at this point but I’m excited for what’s to come!

4.) What with the weather cooling down, I’ve been doing a lot more Pokemon hunting!

What I’m Going to Do
1.) I’m going to be participating in NaNoWriMo after all and finally finishing my Silver Hood draft so I can edit it next year!
2.) I’m going to AWA on Halloween to meet Sokka’s voice actor!
I’ll be going to Canada for two weeks to visit Cassia. I’m so excited and looking forward to taking a long break from it all.
3.) I’m hoping to finish A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Leguin and The Blood Spell by CJ Redwine before I leave for Canada!
4.) I’m hoping to have at least two CBR articles up.

Last Month on Wanderer’s Pen …
The Language of Worlds September-October 2019 Edition!
Writing Lessons from Anime: Fruits Basket 2019
A Book Review of The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber
On This Age of Nostalgia
#WIPJoy September 2019 Recap!
A Book Review of All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Strayborn by E.E. Rawls Blog Tour!
A Book Review of the Scent of Her Soul by B. Allen Davis
Keeping Morality in Fiction: What’s the Line Between Realistic and Gratuitous Fiction?
Coming Soon to Wanderer’s Pen …
November 1: And Then There Were None Review by Agatha Christie – This was such a great mystery! I can’t wait to share with you guys about it!

Overall, October was a pretty great month! Happy Halloween and Happy NaNo!