Monthly Wanderings: June 2021

Hey, all! I know it’s been a while but I’m checking in with my monthly happenings! I hope you’ve been enjoying your summer so far despite the heat!

What I Did

1.) I haven’t been doing any writing. I’m taking a break until at least August because …

2.) … School has been eating up my time. XD English has been fun, but my least favorite subject math has been a bear. >.<

3.) I’ve been reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde which is interesting so far. Men spoke so much more eloquently back then!

4.) I’ve been very active doing sculptures. Here is one of the favorites I did this month! I’ve been sharing these photos on Instagram!

The Geeky Department

1.) I finished the first season of Demon Slayer. I need more! It was so good!

2.) I also played the game Gris on the Switch. I’ve heard about it for a while but then I bought it on sale for $6. It’s a very pretty game. Very calming. I love that you can turn into a stingray for the swimming sequences. <3

3.) I played the latest Nancy Drew game Midnight in Salem. It had a good plot but too much dialogue, not enough puzzles.

4.) I was (and still am) a huge fan of iCarly so I’m watching the show’s revival and though it has its flaws I’m enjoying it so far. 🙂

5.) I’ve also mostly finished my Macrophage cleaver for my cosplay! I’m debating on adding some blood to it! Germ blood! Lol. XD

What I’m Going to Do

1.) Like I mentioned before I’ll be taking a break from writing till at least August.

2.) I’ll be finishing up my first semester of college! Man it’s flown by. XD

I’ll also be going tubing with a friend! I’m excited to beat the summer heat with some swimming.

Then most importantly I’ll be attending Realm Makers 2021! I miss my writer peeps so much and I’m hoping this will help rekindle my fire for writing. If you’re going check out my advertisements for Neverfound Figures in the program and goodie bags! 😀 I will be posting next month about the conference!

3.) I’m hoping to finding the Picture of Dorian Gray and the first Wingfeather saga book!

4.) I’m hoping after Realm Makers I’ll have lots of orders to fulfill and content to display! 😀


Thanks you guys for bearing with me. I feel like in 2021 I’m still feeling the aftershock of 2020. Life has gotten better since that insane year but a lot of things have changed in my life and I’m still adjusting to the new college lifestyle. I’m really hoping to get to editing back in the fall when school calms down and I’m not doing math. -_- Thank you everyone for your encouragement and support!

Let’s chat! How was your month? Do you have any summer plans? Did you get any writing or reading in? Do you have any Fourth of July plans? Are you coming to Realm Makers?!

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Emily Grant
3 years ago

Okay, so I discovered a few months ago that you had moved to a new website but for some reason never really visited it. But I’m finally here and it looks fantastic! 😀

I look forward to seeing you at Realm Makers!! It’s going to be amazing!

3 years ago

It’s good to hear from you, girl! I’m sorry math classes are being beastly, but that’s amazing you’re so close to finishing your first semester!!! So proud of you!

I have been LOVING seeing all your sculptures. You make the most amazing things!

That’s thrilling you’re going to Realm Makers! Sadly, I won’t be there this year, but I definitely can’t wait to hear about it from everyone. I do hope July proves to be a spectacular month and you have the most amazing time at RM! <333