Monthly Wanderings: July 2021

This month has been a ride! School plus Realm Makers made a crazy combination!

What I Did

1.) I didn’t get any writing done this month yet again, but after Realm Makers (more on that below and in my recent report post), I feel my creative fire reignited. I went from warm ashes to a blaze. I’m already pre-writing in my head. I’m planning out what I want to do with my writing for the rest of the year. I’M BACK, GUYS!

2.) Two amazing life things happened this month! I went to Realm Makers and I finished my first college semester! There’s so much I have to say about Realm Makers that you guys need to just go read the post haha! I’m also proud of myself and relieved to finish my first semester. The last two months have felt both fast and short, but 6 credits down, a bunch more to go! XD

I also went tubing in Ellijay which was a lot of fun. <3

3.) No reading this month. Sorry, guys. :'(

4.) I did get some sculpting done though! Meet Icelyn!

The Geeky Department

1.) I’m watching My Hero Academia season five and loving it!

2.) I went on an Elizabeth Gaskell kick and watched Wives and Daughters and North & South! This gal does not shy away from death counts! Gosh! But they’re such good stories!

3.) I watched Demonslayer: Infinity Train and my gosh the MC just continues to touch my heart. In one part someone who was being manipulated by a demon stabbed Tanjiro and his first thought was, “I can’t die because that man will live with the guilt of killing me.”

4.) My Macrophage from Cells at Work! cosplay is finished! The pictures aren’t the finished version but I’ll be revealing that next month!

What I’m Going Do

1.) I’m ready to start writing! Next month I want to do a lot Pre-writing! I want to do some read overs and even start planning my NaNoNovel! I don’t know if I can pull it off with school but I’m going to try!

2.) August is going to be so packed! The first week I’m going to South Carolina; the second week Orlando Florida for MegaCon; the third week the beach and my fall semester starts; and the fourth week I’m visiting my friend in central Georgia! It’s going to be so busy BUT I’M SO EXCITED!

3.) I’ve got a stack of books from Realm Makers then I hope to dive into! Fight Write by Carla Hoch is calling my name!

4.)  I want to do a lot of sculpting! I’m also going to be working on a new product for my shop I’m super excited for!


July was a whirlwind but August is going to be crazier and I’m ready for it!

Let’s chat! How was your month? Do you have any summer plans? Did you get any writing or reading in? If you attended Realm Makers online or in-person how was your experience?!

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3 years ago

Aaaaahhh, girl! I’m so excited for all you’ve accomplished and all the exciting things going on! And okay but that Macrophage cosplay is ADORABLE. Loving it!!

It looks like you have such epic things come in August! I do hope it proves to be an absolutely amazing month. <3