Monthly Wanderings: February 2020

February was a crazy, but wonderful month. Between snow, an amazing trip to Florida, productivity in writing, and the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had it was just fabulous!

What I did

1.) I finished editing my chapters and sent them off to betas! Then I finished writing my book proposal and sent it off for critique. I received some critique back and though most was good, one was discouraging that I had to move past, but I kept positive. Then my agent emailed me and told me that a book in my genre was just published called Red Hood so now the new working title is The Rose in the Wolf. I was really bummed at that news and I’m still working through it but I’m trying to stay positive. And I’m sending off the chapters with the new title tonight. The last stretch of the month was a whirlwind for writing.

2.) My trip to Florida was just amazing. One of the best trips I’ve ever had. I wrote a whole post about it, but it was just so wonderful and I felt just so joyful 90% of the time. I made so many wonderful memories and spent time with people I love most in the world.



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I spent my first Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend (still getting used to having one of those) and it was just blissful. We had ramen, watched Sonic the Hedgehog, and cuddled. ^ ^



3.) I’ve finished The Queen’s Resistance and I really enjoyed it! And I finished The Progeny by Tosca Lee and enjoyed it as well! I’ll have a reviews up next month! 

4.) My review of A Quiet Place and my review of Sonic the Hedgehog are up on Culture Eater!

The Geeky Department

1.) I’ve been playing Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch which is a Studio Ghibli-animated video game on the Switch! It’s cute so far. Not an extremely heavy plot, but I’ve been having fun raising little creatures like Pokemon.

2.) As I mentioned I got to see Sonic the Hedgehog over Valentine’s Day and I really enjoyed it! My full thoughts are in my review on Culture Eater!

3.) I finally watched Alita: Battle Angel and I really liked it! I’ve been meaning to watch this movie since I first saw the trailer. Finally, an anime live-action movie done right!


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What movie have you been meaning to watch for a while? • • I finally saw Alita: Battle Angel last week and loved it! I’ve been meaning to see this movie since I first saw the trailers and then my cousin reminded me of its existence and I promptly watched it. It truly is anime done right. Admittedly I have not read the manga but just by the tone and character designs it felt far more Japanese than the live action flops that were Ghost in the Shell and Death Note. Screenwriter James Cameron was actually inspired by Ghost in the Shell to make Avatar so he actually knows a thing or two about Eastern storytelling. Alita and Ido have just the cutest relationship and I dig the quirky anime villains. I really hope a sequel is made! • • Writing Update: My goal is to go through another beta’s feedback tonight! • • #alitabattleangel #alita #anime #animemovie #movie #japanese #animeliveaction #geek #geekgirl #geeklife #writersofinstagram #writer #writerslife #amediting #edits
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4.) I’m over halfway finished with my Suneater cosplay! I’m so excited to wear it at MegaCon in April!

5.) I haven’t had as much time to play Pokemon GO! as I’ve liked but I caught and evolved a few new ones!

What I’m Going to Do

1.) I’m going to start on edits for Red Hood now Rose and Wolf and try to finally finish Silver Hood now Rose and Snow. After I finish the latter I think I’m going to start switching between editing and first drafting In Darkness Starlight. I need at least an intermittent break from the Rose series for a bit to work on something fresher.

2.) Besides a possible double date, I don’t really have any outside plans for next month.

3.) I’m currently reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and Let the Ghosts Speak by Bryan Davis!

4.) I have my review of A Quiet Place Part II goes up next month and I’m SO STOKED TO SEE THAT MOVIE!


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Last Month on Wanderer’s Pen …

A Book Review of Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Writing Lessons from Video Games: Horizon Zero Dawn
The Laments and Revelations of a Christian Geek Writer
ScribeTunes: Romance
Winter Florida Trip 2020 Report
A Book Review of Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young
ScribeTunes: Tragedy

Coming Soon to Wanderer’s Pen …

March 3: A Book Review of The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek by Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal – I’ve finally finished this book and it was actually a lot better than I expected. I adore Rhett and Link but their storytelling has been a little off the rails at times, but they really created a great unique book here!

March 6: Writing Lessons from Video Games: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess vs. Okami – I know way back in 2016 I did another post about Twilight Princess vs. Skyward Sword, but Okami is another game often compared to my favorite Legend of Zelda game of all time and there’s a lot of great new comparisons where Twilight Princess prevailed and Okami fell short.

March 10: A Book Review of The Queen’s Resistance by Rebecca Ross – Another book I’ve been trying to get to it and I loved it! Can’t wait to shares my thoughts!

March 13: ScribeTunes: Soft-Action – A new playlist is coming! This one is for scenes like intense conversations or a hacking scene. Basically, intense action that isn’t combat!

March 17: How to Design a Book Cover Featuring TerriblyBadBookCovers – The lovely Instagrammer TerriblyBadBookCovers is coming to the blog to talk about book covers! I’m so excited to have them! 

March 20: A Book Review of The Progeny by Tosca Lee –  I actually got the sequel first and then had to buy the first book. Oops! But I really liked this first book of the series!

March 24: Advanced Description: Take Your Prose to the Next Level – For the past year I’ve been learning some advanced descriptions so I thought I’d share the knowledge in a post!

March 27: ScribeTunes: Somber – This is for scenes that are sad, but not devastating. Just for when your characters are in a somber mood either because of their living situation, making a difficult decision, or the aftermath of a sad event.

March 31: Monthly Wanderings: March 2020 – Like this but for March.



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Overall, February was a wild ride, but I made so many long-lasting memories. ^ ^

How was your month? What did you do? What amusement parks have you been to? Are you looking forward to any of the upcoming posts?

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