January was a whirlwind of a month! And the best start to a year I’ve had in like … ever!
What I did:
1.) If you haven’t seen it spammed all over my social media already …
After five years of actively submitting, I’ve finally accomplished this huge step in my writing journey. I signed the contract on the 24th, so it’s all official! I’ve been going over his feedback on Red Hood while also working on finishing the first draft of Black Hood.

2.) On New Year’s Day, my mom and I walked around the Bavarian town of Helen, GA! It was really neat!

Besides agenting stuff which I’ll tell more details about in a whole post in February, I worked a lot. Fun. XD
3.) I’ve started reading War Storm by Victoria Aveyard and Queen’s Rising by Rebecca Ross!

4.) I have not had any time to draw this month …. *headdesk*
5.) Still working on that piece for Think Christian lol.
The Geeky Department:
1.) I finished Final Fantasy XV and man, the feels … I’m still getting over it, but gosh the music is so gorgeous.
2.) I’ve also been playing Kingdom Hearts: Remix, which I’ve been enjoying so far! Speaking of I also bought my Disney World ticket for Project: Magic Kingdom Hearts in September which is a big Kingdom Hearts cosplay get together hosted by one of my good friends!

3.) I’ve caught some Pokemon this month, including a Girafarig which I’ve been trying to get forever.

What I’m Going to Do:
1.) I’m going to continue to work on the revisions for Red Hood with my agent and also work on Black Hood!
2.) I’m going to New York City and New Jersey to visit family! It’s just January and I already feel like I need another vacation. XD
3.) I’m hoping to finish the aforementioned books and start Germ by Robert Liparulo.

4.) Maybe in NYC I’ll finally have some time for drawing. XD
5.) I’m hoping to have that Think Christian piece up next month.
Last Month on Wanderer’s Pen …
A Book Review of Rhett and Link’s Book of Mythicality by Rhett McLaughlin and Link NealSo Your Character is Goth … Featuring Elliana Reickard
A Book Review of City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
So Your Character is From the Southeastern USA …Coming Soon to Wanderer’s Pen …
February 1: How I Got my Agent – I’m going to tell all about how I got my agent which has been going on behind the scenes since September.
February 5: A Book Review of The House with the Clock in its Walls by John Bellairs – I was hoping to get this up in the fall, but that so did not happen lol.
February 8: Writing Lessons from Movies: Split – Glass came out this month, so I was inspired to finally watch Split and Unbreakable. And Split really stuck with me. I watched it twice in one week!

February 12: Questions for Annette (Silver Hood)! – This character rose to prominence during NaNoWriMo so I want to get to know her more!
February 15: So Your Character is Adopted 2 … – I’m redoing some of my old So Your Character is and here is the next one!
February 19: New York/New Jersey 2019 Report – A recap of my adventures in New York!
February 22: Interview with Annette (Silver Hood) – Annette’s questions will be answered on this day!
February 26: Monthly Summary: February 2019 – Like this but for February.

2019 is off to a great start! I can’t wait to see what happens next!