MegaCon 2021 Report

It had been over two years since I’d been to a convention so I was so pumped to go! Despite the stupid masks being reinstated last minute, I was not going to miss this event. I’ve missed the convention atmosphere: the cosplays, the actors, the artwork … It’s such a fun place to be. I’m so happy I got to go to MegaCon 2021!

Day 1

I had the world’s stupidest flight plan. I was trying to save money and use flight credit from last year to fly to Florida, but I had instant regret. The airline took me from Atlanta to Newark NJ before taking me to Orlando so a trip that normally takes four or five hours tops, took me ten hours. By the end, I was tired and sad and hungry, but I had finally made it to Florida and my friends were kind enough to buy me food. But this sunset from the plane was really pretty:

Day 2

Since one of my friends had to work, my other friends and I decided to have a chill day. I got to play some of Final Fantasy VII Integrate since my friends managed to get a hold of a PS5! We surprise visited my friend at her job, went shopping at a downtown district and a mall, and then played video games. It was a fun relaxing day. <3

Day 3

Today was the first day we went to the convention. Yay! I cosplayed as Suneater from My Hero Academia on this day and right after getting our passes we made a beeline to the autograph area! I got signatures from Luci Christian (Ochaco Oururaca from My Hero Academia), J. Michael Tatum (Iida from My Hero Academia), Brandon McInnis (Sir Nighteye from My Hero Academia), and Charles Martinet (all of the voices of the main cast of the Super Mario games)!

I had a great moment when a Lamillion cosplayer ran up to me! (That’s my character’s best friend.) We took pictures and hugged because we were so happy to see each other’s cosplays. <3

I also got to do a big photo shoot with a bunch of My Hero Academia cosplayers!

And my friends and I did our own maskless photoshoot!

We ended the day with dinner at SusHi with more friends!

Day 4

This day was hot and crowded. It felt exactly like a regular MegaCon Saturday, but wearing a mask in all of that made me feel claustrophobic so I had to sit down for a while to rest, but I did get to go to a My Hero Academia panel! This was great except I had an exceptionally smelly well-endowed gentleman next to me. Let’s say I would have left if I didn’t have a fan to keep away the pungent odor.

But the best part of the day was seeing this amazing Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII cosplayer!

Day 5

This was the best day of the convention! On Sunday my friends and I did a big group cosplay and we decided to stay in complete character whenever someone came up to us to take our picture, which happened a lot! We hadn’t done this before, but I had so much fun being the peppy Macrophage from Cells at Work! all day!

We also did our own photoshoot which was such a blast!

Then later we had fun with Daleks. XD

And we ended the day with food from Third Culture Kitchen! So good!

Day 6

The flight home was far less stressful thankfully and Momo was so happy I was home. <3


This trip was what I needed. It was so great to be with some of my closest friends and feel like things are more normal. <3

Have you been to a convention before? Which one(s)? Have you ever cosplayed? If so who? Have you ever met any celebrities? What have been your summer plans?

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3 years ago

Looks like a fun trip, sucks that your flight was so long though. Seems like it was worth it though. I need to watch My Hero Academia, I’ve heard such good things.

3 years ago

Awwww! I am SO glad you had such a magical time. That looks like an absolute blast. And, as always, your cosplays are TOP. NOTCH. I loved seeing all the fun photos! That’s great you were able to make it. ^_^