Language of Worlds September/October 2018

I’m finally doing one of these on time. Yay! I know I just did an interview with Einer but I still want to get to know him a bit more because of his involvement in Black Hood’s so I’m focusing on him for this linkup. I’ll also answer questions for him since he’s such a grump. -_- If you want to participate in this link up, check out Liv’s blog!

1.) What does your character fear the most?
Not living up to Nzelt’s (his guardian) expectations. He wants to please him in any way he can and be a worthy successor.

2.) How would they handle it if they were to face their fear?
Oh I make his little nightmare come true and he chooses the unhealthy option of alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

3.) Do they want to get married? Why or why not?
He does. Having children is very sacred in his religion.

4.) What is their love language (i.e. words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, quality time, acts of service)?
Gifts. He likes it when people go the extra mile to do something special for him. Like make his favorite food or plan to go to his favorite places with him. 

5.) On a scale from 1 (messy) to 5 (organized), how do they rate?
5. He’s very anal retentive and will yell at people who mess with his stuff.

6.) How do they feel about debates/disagreements?
He will argue his point to the ground and not let off until you back off or agree. Or with people he can’t argue with he’ll just not talk to them and express his anger with stone cold glares.

7.) What do they bring to a battle (figurative or literal)?
He has the ability to manipulate matter so he’s very handy in a fight and you don’t want to be his opponent. He alter the material structure of anything but sentient beings. 

8.) What’s their favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Fried eggs on toast and skyr (Icelandic yogurt)

9.) How do they treat themselves after a long day?
He loves going for a soak in hot springs if he’s around them. There are a lot of them in his country. 

10.) What do you most want readers to glean from this story?
He’s a side character so he’s not the main focus of the story. I haven’t totally expanded on all of the themes of the book, but I guess one thing is traditional values aren’t always a bad thing. It’s trendy to break tradition, but sometimes the newest way of doing things in any facet of life isn’t the best way. Some things have always worked and always will.

Have you participated in this link-up? Post your link in the comments!

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