Interview with Sting (Subsapien) 2

Sting (Subsapien)
Hey, everyone! Today I’m interviewing one of my bad guys from Subsapien Hybrid, the book I talked about last week that I’ll be doing for NaNoWriMo. If you’d like to learn a bit about him before reading the interview, check out his bio. Thank you, everyone who submitted questions! If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it
*turns to Sting* Hey, Sting. Are you ready to be interviewed?
*sitting in a chair next to me like a late night talk show and sucking on a honey stick* Uh duh that’s why I’m here. It’s about time you interviewed me again. All the goody-goodies have been getting the attention.
Nzelt isn’t a goody-goody.
Well I don’t know him so he doesn’t count. *sucks honey out of the plastic stick loud and obnoxiously*
*sighs* Whatever. On to the first question. It’s from Cassidy: Does he have a favorite type of honey?
Tupelo. It’s what’s in here. *waggles the honey stick* It doesn’t crystallize and it’s real sweet.
Good to know. It’s my favorite too. Next question is from Madeline Wright: How does he eat Oreos?
I scrape off the cream then throw the cookies at Able’s face. Next question.
You’re such a jerk. * -_- *
I know. You should too since you wrote me. Next question. I don’t got all day. *tosses finished honey stick over his shoulder, takes another one out of his hoodie pocket*

Fine. Sara Letourneau asks: I’d like to know a little more about the book he uses as a pacifier. What about the story and/or the music does he find soothing? 
*rips off top of honey stick with his teeth, spits it on the floor*

You’re picking that up later.
*ignores me* I don’t read and the pictures are stupid, but I like the music. It makes music box noises. Master played it during resting periods when he was fixing me when I was sick.  

Right … *types on computer* The next three are from Liz Brooks: So, Sting, what’s it like having DNA from three separate animals? Do you think it’s cool, or would you rather people hadn’t tampered with your genetic code? Also, Sting sounds super cool and I’m excited to read his interview.
What’s “cool” mean again?

It’s what you mean by “crystal.”
Oh okay. Then course I’m cool. Glad I have a loyal fan. I like havin’ different DNA. Makes me special and more useful for my masters. I don’t really know how it’s different from you humans, but I know I can kill you all much easier than you could kill me. *smiles* 

I guess it’s different ’cause my vitals, like, work at different rates and I don’t get cuts barely ever ’cause of my thick skin and I really loooooove honey. *sucks honey out of the stick*

Moving on … If you could have DNA from any animals of your choice, which would you pick, or would you just stick with the stuff you’ve got?
I like the stuff I’ve got. Shark graftings have to stay hydrated, gorilla graftings are stupid, chameleon graftings are twits … You want me to go on? 

*sips from glass of water* I think we got the point. What is your favorite ability, and what is your least favorite ability?
*pushes out thumb barb* I like stabbing people and watching them writhe in agony as my venom courses through their systems. *smiles* 

*deadpan* Lovely. Least favorite ability?
Oh right. I don’t have hair, I have spikes, so I’ve stabbed myself sometimes … But I’ve also stabbed other people by headbutting them so that makes up for it. 

*shakes head* Rebekah Hendrian wants to know: What does he do for fun (or does he do anything for fun)?
I do lots of things for fun. *counts on fingers with honey stick in the corner of his mouth* I stab people, I play video games, I stab people, I kick Able, I stab people, I watch crime shows, I stab people, I torture people, and I listen to my book play. Did I mention that I stab people?

Yes, four times. 
Glad I got it covered thoroughly.

Geez. Here’s another question from Liz Brooks: Who is your favorite person? 
Master Jeth. Duh. He’s my master. 

Should have known that. The next one is from Amy Covel: What is it that makes you and Serra good friends? 
She annoys me less than other people. Next! 
*sighs* Liz Brooks asks: Who is your least favorite person? 
Bryce or Matt. They keep running away when I try to stab them then the Masters get mad at me when I don’t catch them. Next!
Sara Letourneau wants to know: Also, why does he feel the need to pick on Able even though they’re working toward the same goals?
Because he’s an annoying, attention-hogging little twit and I’m better than him even if the Masters don’t think so. Just because he has five billion abilities doesn’t mean he’s better than me. *jabs thumb into his chest* He’s a softy!
Okay. Calm down, Sting. 
I hate him.
I think we gathered. Madeline Wright says: How does he define success?
When the Masters are happy with my work. Next! 
Okay. Next one is from Amy Covel: Oh this little bundle of joy. Perfect for Halloween indeed. Sting, what is your greatest fear?
I am a bundle a joy and my biggest fear is displeasing my masters. Moving on. 
Rebeckah Hendrian and Amy Covel both ask: What does Sting want most out of life (other than to feel loved, I mean more like goals)? What do you consider an ideal life (I know you want love more than anything)? 
I want a motorcycle and I’ve got my own room and  I got my ears and my chin pierced like I wanted and I get nice food and I get to wear what I want and I work for the masters and they’re pretty happy with me, so my life is pretty fine right now. I just want to keep making them pleased.
*nods, types on my computer* We’re almost to the end. This is the second to last question from Rebekah Hendrian: Does he ever wonder about how he ended up where he is?
I know how I ended up where I was. I asked after I got promoted. My mom tried to kill me before I was born because she got pregnant when she didn’t want to. So she got rid of me and the Masters saved me. I was a problem so she threw me out. Happens a lot. Happened to Able too. *shrugs, sucks on his honey stick slower* Least I didn’t cry about it like a little baby like he did when he found out. *rolls eyes* 
*sighs* Last question.
Rawls E. asks: Does he ever stop and consider that his purpose in life could be more than the scientists’ lapdog? That the world is a big place and he could explore a new way of life? Or maybe he can’t break away from the scientists he considers as parents?
My masters are like my parents. Like I said my real ones tried to murder me. They think they did. So screw them. I’m done with this interview. I thought we’d talk about more stabbing. *gets up* 
You didn’t answer the other part of the question.
I covered it before. Bye! *heads out the door, takes my glass of water on the way out*
*ignores me* 
He’s fine, readers. He’ll be back to his sadistic self in no time … too soon probably … Thank you all again for the great questions! These really help me get to know my characters. If you’d like to check out more about Sting’s book take a look at this month’s Beautiful Books post! The next two months will feature Beautiful Books posts from his book as well. If you haven’t gotten enough Sting check out his first interview and lastly, next month features another character from Subsapien. This one I haven’t interviewed before. His name’s Nox and I’m so excited to introduce you all to him! Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween!
My drawing of Sting.
What do you think of Sting? Do you have any further questions for him? Have you done character interviews before? Post a link in the comments!
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