Interview with Sonne (Silver Hood)

Sonne (Silver Hood)
*sitting in a chair in a room with a laptop on my lap* Hey, everyone! I’m here with Sonne, a side character from the sequel to Red Hood called Silver Hood. If you’d like to get know a bit about her before the interview, check out her bio! Thank you for submitting questions! This helps me get to know my characters so much better. If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it!

Greetings, everyone. *smiles, pets Mjukur on her shoulder*

Are you ready for your first character building exercise ever?

*firm nod*

All righty. The first question is anonymous and it is: I noticed that your name is the same as the German word for “”sun.”” Is that just a coincidence, or did your family name you for the sun on purpose?

What is “German?”

I’ll answer this. Yes, she was named that on purpose in reference to the dawn. *winks*

*narrows eyes*

*rotates feathery antennae*

The next one is from Sara Letourneau: What is conversion magic? What does it allow you to do?

Conversion magic allows me to change the forms of objects. I can turn stone into a bowl or ice into a chair. I primarily use stone as my weapons with my sling and bolas. I can change the shape of the stones as I please.

Good to know. *types that down* Next question is from Skye Hoffert: Is your magic hard to use?

It can be. It depends on what you are trying to convert and how large it is. Turning a pebble into an arrowhead is simple, but transforming a boulder into a statue is difficult.

*nods*  The next question was asked by multiple people. I was afraid that Mjukur would be seen as gross because he’s a large bug. But I’m happy to be proved wrong.

*pets Mjukur’s head* Mjukur is certainly more than a “large bug.”

*smiles* Jessi L. Roberts and several anonymous people ask: How did you find the moth, or did he find you? I love Mjukur! It’s super cool. I’m curious though. How did Sonne come to have a pet moth? How did you meet Mjukur? Sonne, your friend Mjukur sounds like a wonderful moth! May I ask how you met him? Where did you get Mjukur? He’s adorable!

*beams, holds Mjukur in her hands* He was a gift for my twelfth birthday. He brings me objects to convert, sends messages for me, and finds things such as food for me. I would consider him my best friend.

*nestles in her hands*

Nyawwwww. Here’s one from Liz Brooks: Do you worry that your moth will get killed or injured?

Of course. I have sometimes left him home because of this fear, but he always finds a way to follow me.

Awwwww. Okay next Q from Jessi L. Roberts: What does he eat, and does he perch on your shoulder, hover, or find a more embarrassing place to perch, like dangling off your neck or nesting in your hair?

He prefers to stand on my shoulder, though sometimes he will sit on top of my head. 
I do not have much hair for him to nest. *pinches hair on her boy cut*

All right next question is from Ruth Blomgren: Do you have a plan for tomorrow? Next week? Next year?

Tomorrow I am teaching magic to new recruits. Next week I have a mission for the cause. 
Next year I hope to bring peace to Isriki and if not that bring us a few steps closer to it.

*nods* Here’s another from Ruth: Do you have a job/school? Who do you work for/how loyal are you?

I believe I stated this above, but I work for the North Wind and I am very loyal.

Liz Brooks asks: Are you glad to have joined the North Wind?

Yes, my life has meaning after joining them.

Sara Letourneau asks: What do you hope the younger generation can learn from the example you and the North Wind have set?

That peace is possible, that not all thirst for power and bloodshed, that some still wish for the ties between Isamaour and humans to be remade.

That’s a good example to set. Sara also wants to know: Do you have time for hobbies outside of campaigning for the North Wind? If so, what are they?

I enjoy spinning thread. It’s calming and allows me to have time to think.

*smiles* Liz Brooks and an anonymous questioner ask:  What was the best part of your childhood? So… what fond memories do you have of your childhood? 

Receiving Mjukur is definitely one of them as well as receiving my spinning wheel. A memory from the end of my childhood is fond to me as well. At my womanhood ceremony when I received my prayer crystal. *holds up the crystal on a chain around her neck*

Another anonymous question: What is one remarkable childhood memory that you think has changed you?

The one mentioned in my bio I would consider remarkable.

Here’s another from Sara: How did moving from place to place so often affect you?

I could never create any lasting friendships for I could never communicate with my old friends once I moved. I lost old possessions I could not take with me during our journeys. Anything I own since then is precious to me for it helps me remember all of those homes I used and left.

Another from Ruth:  Are you resilient enough to change with circumstances/environment?

That is one thing all of my different homes have taught me. I can live anywhere and make the best of any living situation.

*nods, types that* Ruth has another question for you: What do you think of yourself?

I believe I am a strong person and I can do great things.

An anonymous questioner asks: What would it take to get you to kill?

That is a difficult question … I suppose if it was the only way to stop someone from doing 
something horrible, but even then I would try to disable them first.

Ruth would like to know: Do you have family/friends?

Yes, I have many now within the North Wind. My only family are Hulda, Ingveldur, and Rakel, the three woman who raised me.

*nods* The next one is from Skye Hoffert: How is your relationship with the old ladies that raised you?

I visit them at times, but they do not approve of my involvement with the North Wind. 

The next five questions are from Ruth:  What would have to happen to make you speak out, or, defend a stranger, in public?

I would speak out for anyone being oppressed. *firms chin*

Me:Who/what makes you feel completely loved and accepted?

The North Wind does. They are like my family. We all fight for the same cause. It is a comforting sort of unity. *strokes Mjukur*

 Who/what makes you feel most afraid?

The possibility that we might lose.

Ruth Blomgren What is the trait you most deplore in yourself/others?

Greed. It is greed that began this war and greed that has made it continue for half a century.

Ruth Blomgren What is the trait you most admire in yourself/others?

Humility. People who put their needs over others are great persons indeed.

Me:And the last two questions are from Liz Brooks: Have you ever forgiven your people 
for killing the man who showed you kindness? 

No, I am not sure if I ever will.

What does true peace look like to you?

A world where we are not constantly fighting with the humans. Where we can trade once again 
and blood is not shed daily.

And that is it for the questions. Thank you to everyone who submitted them! If you’d like to know more about Sonne’s series check out my post about the first book. You can check out more about her fellow characters in the interviews listed below. Thanks for reading!

Thank you and farewell!

What do you think of Siocban? Do you have any further questions for her? Have you ever done a character interview? Share a link in the comments!

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