Interview with Rouyn (Starbloods) 2

Hey, everyone! It’s the time for this month’s interview and today’s character is my male main character from my high fantasy series Starbloods. If you want to check out a little about him before we start, you can take a look at his bio. My thanks to everyone who submitted questions. *turns in interview to Rouyn* Good afternoon, Rouyn.

*sitting with one ankle on his knee, has a British accent* Good afternoon. I haven’t had an interview in some time.

That’s true. I’m glad to have you back.

I’m glad to have you working on my book again, though it gets rather confusing when I’m revised so many times.

Eh heh. ^ ^’ Each time you get better, right?

I suppose. Shall we begin?


Yes, of course. The first question is from  Sara Letourneau: If someone offered to make your favorite meal to cheer you up, what would that meal be?

*grins* Venison roast with sage and rosemary with new potatoes and carrots. I rarely have that because of the sylph’s conservative lifestyle, but my guardians make it a point to let me have it on my birthday.

Sounds delicious! Next question also from Sara:  Are you worried that your Starblood abilities haven’t developed yet? (Or does Rouyn not know yet that he’ll have those abilities?)

I would prefer if they would come sooner, so I may learn how to use them, but I may not receive them until I’m twenty-one if I’m terribly unfortunate. According to Father this is natural.

*nods* Another from Sara: How would you describe Landora? Why is he/she so important to you besides the “transportation” aspect?

*deep blue eyes sparkle* She is a magnificent creature. She is larger than a normal horse with snow white fur and eyes as blue as the summer sky. We can speak to each other with our minds and feel each other’s emotions. We are the closest of friends. It is a tradition for Calsidorian royalty and knights to have a pegasus to be their companion until the end of their days. 

*smiles* The next question is from E .E. Rawls: Do you have a secret hideout that only you know of and only Landora can take you there?

We have a special place on the mountain high near the top. I can sometimes hear the stars from there. You can hear them from high places you know. Sometimes I can ask them questions about things. We love to go there when the sky is clear. 

It sounds lovely. Another from Sara: How do you feel about living on Ibreain as the only (or one of the few) non-sylphs?

There is only my starblood tutor and Lady Irith who are not sylphs on the Island. It can be lonely at times, and it was confusing as a child. I long to be among more people like me.

*nods* E.E. Rawls asks: How does Rouyn feel about being treated like a prince every day, especially when he isn’t the prince of the people he’s currently residing with?

It is odd … I have been taught all of my life about people I have never seen before. I’m respected by the sylphs, but they do not have royalty, they have elders, therefore their sense of respect is different. I try to ignore it though. One day soon I’ll be with my people and all will be well. *smiles*

I’m glad you have a positive attitude about it. Here’s one more from Sara: What impressions do you have of your parents through their letters to you? (In other words, what do you hope they’ll be like in person when you finally meet them?)

They seem very kind, they seem to love me, and we seem to like many of the same things, but … I cannot receive letters from them but in frequently so no one could intercept them. I want to see and hear my parents. I know they sent me away for my own protection, but they have yet to tell me why. My father wasn’t sent away as I was. 

I see. Last question is from Anonymous: Do you know what your parents look like? What’s the thing you most look forward to about their letters?

My favorite thing is the sketches. They have sent me sketches of them and what home looks like, so I have a glimpse of what I will see in the future. They have a court artist who draw them. They’re quite lovely. 

Very cool. That’s the last question. Thanks so much for answering, Rouyn, and thanks again, everyone, for submitting these! I learned a lot about Rouyn today. Next month’s interview will be with Silanoc also from Starbloods. Thanks for reading! Bye!

Farewell! *^ ^*

What do you think of Rouyn? Do you have any further questions for him? Have you done character interviews before? Post a link in the comments!

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