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Pro (Subsapien) |
Hey, all! I’m back with
another interview. Today’s is with my female main
character, Pro Jamerson, of my science-fiction novel,
Subsapien: Biomech. *looks at Pro* Hello, Pro. How’re you?
another interview. Today’s is with my female main
character, Pro Jamerson, of my science-fiction novel,
Subsapien: Biomech. *looks at Pro* Hello, Pro. How’re you?
*smiles, is sitting in her
chair with one leg crossed over the other, Southern accent* Hi, Tori. I’m doing fine.
chair with one leg crossed over the other, Southern accent* Hi, Tori. I’m doing fine.
Glad to here. So tell us,
is “Pro” your whole name?
is “Pro” your whole name?
No, it’s Promise, but it’s
Pro to everyone. No one calls me Promise.
Pro to everyone. No one calls me Promise.
I see. So, Pro, what do
you do in your everyday life?
you do in your everyday life?
I work with Rota Enterprises with experimental biotechnology, go to school, and do some
government work.
government work.
Can you elaborate on
“government work”?
“government work”?
No, sorry, I can’t
disclose anything to the general public.
disclose anything to the general public.
I understand. *smirks* Do you have anything
romantic going on between you and either Bryce or Caleb?
romantic going on between you and either Bryce or Caleb?
*blushes, scoffs* No. Totally no. I mean
they’re okay, but Caleb is a nerd and Bryce is well Bryce. I’m too
busy with way more important stuff to be in a relationship–especially with one of them.
they’re okay, but Caleb is a nerd and Bryce is well Bryce. I’m too
busy with way more important stuff to be in a relationship–especially with one of them.
*peeks in room* Um, did someone call me?
No, but while you’re here
you have a question from Jedi_Kyra 117. “Caleb, do /you/ like half
and half?”
you have a question from Jedi_Kyra 117. “Caleb, do /you/ like half
and half?”
Uh, no. *shifts weight from foot
to foot awkwardly* Do you need me for
anything else?
to foot awkwardly* Do you need me for
anything else?
*fidgets in chair*
No, you can go.
*looks at Pro* And you’re sure nothing is
going on?
going on?
Yeah. Positive. One
hundred percent sure.
hundred percent sure.
Okay. *winks at her* Do you have any special
skills? Why did the government pick you for this project?
skills? Why did the government pick you for this project?
I’m skilled in body combat
and I have the correct biological requirements for what we’re
working on.
and I have the correct biological requirements for what we’re
working on.
Well I think that’s all
the questions we have for you right now. If any readers have
questions for Pro feel free to post them in the comments and
subscribe so you know when she answers.You can check out more about Pro’s book in current projects, her book’s Pinterest board, pictures I’ve drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page.
the questions we have for you right now. If any readers have
questions for Pro feel free to post them in the comments and
subscribe so you know when she answers.You can check out more about Pro’s book in current projects, her book’s Pinterest board, pictures I’ve drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page.
Yep. I hope you all
enjoyed this interview. Thanks for reading. 🙂
enjoyed this interview. Thanks for reading. 🙂
If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece and on Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂

Pro, what do you remember of your life before you came to work with ROTA?
And what's your favorite beverage?
Jeff, is your GameBoy a throwback to the old gameboy from like, 2000?
Thanks for the questions. ^ ^ I will ask them. 😉