Interview with Matt (Subsapien) 2

Hello! This week’s blog post is a character interview with one of my main character’s from my science-fiction series Subsapien. Thanks to everyone who took the time to contribute questions! They’re awesome. *smiles, turns to Matt* Hey, Matt.
*sitting in the chair next to mine, smiles* Hi, Tori. 
I’ve got a bunch of questions to ask you. Are you ready for them?
*claps hands together* Let’s do this.
Okay. Great. *looks at laptop* This first one is from Jessie Blomgren: Why do you act the way you do? How do you typically act around others and how does it differ when you’re alone?
Well … *inhales, exhales* That’s an interesting question. Um … Let’s see. I guess I act the way I do because of how I was raised. Not sure if I feel comfortable about answering the other part. To give you something, I guess I’m about the same alone or with other people. You’ll just have read my book. 
*nods* This next one is from Emily Colby: Do you ever use a car, or do you just run?
I just run because I can’t drive a car. The black-jackets and grens don’t let graftings use cars. *coils tail around himself like a cat*
Okay. Here’s one from Mrs. Blomgren: What are your morals, beliefs?
*frowns* The worst thing you can do as a grafting is betray another grafting. It’s even worse than killing one where I come from.
This next one is from Maggie: If you made it to the Outside, what is the first thing you would do?
Try to find my brother. Nothing’s more important than that. But I guess if you mean the very first thing, then climb a tree. I’ve always wanted to. *smiles a little* Good question, Maggie.
Another from Mrs. Blomgren: Where did you grow up and how were you raised?
*runs hand through his hair* I think this was mentioned in the bio, but I’ll just say it here. I was raised in a lab by grens. If I obey I get rewards like more food or new clothes, if I don’t I get punished by shocks or beatings or no food or solitary. Bryce is the only one that actually cared about me. He kept me fed and got me clothes when I was too weak from lung problems to do it myself. Does that answer the question?
I think it does. Here’s another one from Emily Colby: Why do you call the scientist ‘grens’?
*smiles, laughs a little* That’s another good one. Me and the other graftings made it up a long time ago. The gr-scientists always wear green lab coats. Scientists was kind of a mouthful for us as kids so we came up with green then it turned to gren because that’s how it sounds if we growl it out. *growls* Gren. You see?
*giggles softly* Here’s one from Ruth Blomgren: What did you like to play with when you were little? And do you still like to play with it? 
I had some blocks I used to play with as a little kid during Social Time, but I’m too old to have those anymore. They took them away a long time ago. *shrugs*
*nods* I actually didn’t know that one. Author thing. Next question is from Alyssa Greer: What is it like growing up with asthma in the L.G.R.?
Hard. The grens want to get rid of any graftings with “flaws” which means blindness, missing limbs, deafness and asthma. I don’t know how, but I haven’t got thrown into the Bait Pool, and I hope that stays that way.
Here is one from Cassia Taylor: With Bryce gone, how do you deal with your asthma attacks? 
I just deal. *sighs* I mean, there’s nothing I can do. They don’t happen as much as they used to, but they still happen. I’m okay though.
*eyes are on my laptop* And here’s another one from Ruth Blomgren: What are your opinions on your past? Do you have lots of regrets? Wish you could start over? Or do you wish you could forget everything? Wish someone else had been in your place?
I have a lot of regrets, but doesn’t everybody? I wish I could’ve grown up with a normal family 
This is the last one from Emily Colby: When the scientists study you, I’m assuming they perform experiments on you? How do you feel about that?
I don’t like it. It’s why I want to leave. They’re *shifts in his seat* really painful.
Also from Ruth Blomgren: Matt, what do YOU think of yourself? Do YOU think you are brave, smart and kind? Do you think you’re a hero? Do you think you’re deserving of the way people treat you (good or bad treatments)?
Let’s see. *taps tail on chair* That’s a lot of questions. I’m okay. I guess I’m brave, smart, and kind. I try. I don’t think I’m a hero, no. I don’t think I deserve being treated the way grens treat me. No grafting does.
Another from Cassia Taylor: What’s a moment you’re most proud of?
Hmm … Getting flips off walls right for the first time was a big one. Bryce taught me. *smiles*
Here is one from Cassidy Clayton: Matt, are you a morning person or a night owl?
I don’t know. I haven’t really thought of it. I guess morning person because I like when it’s light better than dark.
Another one I didn’t know. This is why we do interviews. The second one from Jessie Blomgren: What do you like to eat?
I get fed raw meat, nutribars, and stuff. Graftings can eat raw meat like animals can. We don’t get sick. Food I actually like to eat is fish and bacon, but I don’t get those much.
Another from Mrs. Blomgren: What kind of family do you have (or did you have)? Are they kind and supportive or harsh and crushing?
The only family I have is Bryce. I’ve never met anyone else. *rests forearms on his thighs, laces fingers* They could be dead for all I know. Bryce raised me like I said before.
This is one from Amy Covel: Ooh. I have a question! As a younger sibling myself, I was wondering what Matt thought about being the younger brother? Does he ever feel jealous of his brother or competitive, or that he has to live up to high expectations?
‘Nother good question. I don’t really feel jealous or competitive of Bryce, but I do feel like I have to live up to high expectations since I’m the Dominant while he’s gone. He’s better at it than me. Everyone knows it.
Another from Ruth Blomgren: Do you think you’d be how you are if you never had a brother? How’d your brother influence your strength of character? And do you think you’ve made him proud?
No, I wouldn’t be the same. Bryce is my best friend. He’s taught me everything. I hope I’ve made him proud.
The last one from Alyssa Greer: What is Matt’s earliest memory of Bryce?
It’s fuzzy, but it’s when we first met as a little kids like toddlers. Somehow he was in the crate next to mine. We look so much alike it wasn’t hard to figure out we were brothers.
Next question from Ruth Blomgren: Do you think people should follow you or that you’re a good leader?
Like I said earlier Bryce is the better Dominant.
Here’s another question from Cassia Taylor: Who would you call your best friend?
Bryce, but if you’re talking about someone besides family then Ingrid.
Final question from Ruth Blomgren: What does Matt think of the human lookalike photo?
It looks a lot like me. I don’t mind it.
Final question from Cassia Taylor: Would you trade all your memories for freedom?
*looks down* I don’t know. That’s a tough one. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. It’s hard to imagine being a norm. I’d never be a grafting if I didn’t come to the L.G.R. I don’t know if I want to be a norm.
And last question: How’d you get your hair to go like that?
*looks back at me, puts hand on his hair* Go like what? It’s just how my hair goes. I don’t do anything with it. I can’t even wash it. I only get sprayed down once a month.
I think she means your anime picture.
Yeah well … take that up with Tori. *points at me*
*laughs a little* Well that’s all the questions. Thanks for answering them, Matt.
No problem. This was fun. Nice to have a break from the lab. *chuckles, smile fades*
It’ll work out soon. *pats this shoulder*
I’m trying to trust you, but you make hard.
*smirks* Thank you everyone who contributed questions. If you have any more, post them in the comments. I can use them for a future interview. ^ ^ I hope you enjoyed this one! Bye.
What do you think of Matt? Do you have any further questions for him?
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7 years ago

Play Audio: Sprinter – Moroz 148 (PSYTRANCE)

10 years ago

YAY! So cool! Jessie laughed when she saw her name was actually on this; she'd totally forgotten she'd asked questions.
Matt's adorable! And he sounds very mature and…well, kinda friendlier than Bryce (like most younger siblings do, I guess).
I get the feeling Matt makes a good leader, whether he knows it or not.

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  RuthEB
10 years ago

Thank you. ^ ^ Heh heh. That's cool. Matt's way more friendly than Bryce. XD Part of his personality. Perhaps he is. 😉