Interview with Emil (Subsapien) 2

*sitting in my living room with my laptop on my lap* Hello, faithful readers and newcomers alike. 
Today I’m interviewing Emil! He’s a side character from my science-fiction series Subsapien. If you’d like to know a bit about him before the interview, check out his bio. Thank you to everyone who submitted questions! These interviews really help me develop characters! If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it! Let’s get on with it. Hey, Emil.

*sitting in a livingroom chair across from me, is almost seven feet tall* Sup, Tori?

Aw, you know. About to interview. *winks*

*blushes* Right.

Are you ready?

Totally. You haven’t done one of these with me in, like, ever.

I know! It’s been too long. There’s a lot of deep questions. You ready for that?

Bring it on. No one’s gonna judge me right?

No one’s going to judge you.

Okay good. Let’s do it.

First question is from Cassidy Clayton: Emil, you and Ashlyn have known each other for a little while now, right? What are your favorite things to do together?

*counts on big fingers* She likes playing hide-and-go-seek and usin’ me as a jungle gym and sittin’ on my back when I’m doing push ups. That kind of stuff. 

Alrighty next question is from Amy Covel: Ashlyn sounds adorable. xD Is she the dearest person you have in your life/how far would you go to protect her?

We’re real close, yeah. I’d do anythin’ for her.

Here’s another one from Amy:  What drew you and Bryce together as bros?

Well, we were in the same trainin’ together and he sort took me under his wing. Not that he has wings. He just has a tail. You know what I mean. We totally became bros after I got over the drugs. 

I had to alter this question from Ruth Blomgren a bit for timeline’s sake and for the readers, dominants are what graftings call their leaders: I know you have trouble following Matt while Bryce is gone, but how is it for you to accept him as the dominant? And tell him I think it’s really cute how he calls Ashlyn ‘Monkey’. =0)

*smiles a little then it fades, cross his arms* Matt’s not made to be a leader. That’s for sure. Bryce’s much better at it. The only reason he’s still the dominant is because Bryce told me to knock down anybody who thinks of tryin’ to take his place behind Matt’s back.

*nods* Didn’t know that stuff. *types it down* Cassia Schaar wants to know: If you were offered escape from the L.G.R. and you were allowed to take only one person, would you do it? If so, who would you take?

Yeah, I’d do it. I’d take Ashlyn.

Next question is from Cassidy Clayton: I know you’ll get out one day. So, once you have, what do you want to do? Like, what do you want to see of the world beyond the labs?

I’d like to see beaches. That’d be fun. I guess I’d get one of those jobs somewhere then figure stuff out. 

Here’s one from Cassia Schaar: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Not in the lab. Maybe me and Ashlyn will get like an apartment place. 

And another from Cassia: Is there one specific person who want to get revenge on?

*frowns* My handler, Nora. It’s her fault I got on those drugs. 

Now the real deep stuff is coming.

That stuff before wasn’t deep?

Not as deep as it’s going to get.

Fine, let’s get this over with.

First deep question is from Amy Covel: Wowow what a life story. All right, Emil, I’ll have a chat with you. So you were “programmed” to execute others. Did you have any consciousness of this (as in, did you know you were killing others when you were)? Did you ever try to oppose it? 

Yeah, I knew what was goin’ on. The drugs make you not care. *purses lips* Yeah I tried to stop it. Hard to when you’re on the drugs all the time.

Second deep question is from Ruth Blomgren: How often do you think about or worry about the times they made you hurt or even kill others?

Every time I see anything to do with them and that’s all the time.

Third one is from Amy Covel: Also, how do you cope with it now, knowing you killed so many people. (Agh, my heart goes out to you!! X’O). Also, about this bro-bond thing with you and Bryce. Sounds amazing, first of all (love it!)

*through teeth* Not think or talk about it.

Last question is from Sara Letorneau: Awwww, poor Emil. Here’s my question for you: If you could do anything to earn the trust of your fellow graftings again, what would you be willing to do?

*shrugs* Anything that wouldn’t mean Ashlyn or Bryce gets hurt I guess.

You okay?

As okay I can be about spilling my guts out. You people better be happy. *pouty face* 

I’m happy.

You’re happy at bad stuff.

This is true …

*stands up* I’m going to go find somewhere to not cry and be miserable. I’m not going to do that.

No, no, don’t be sad. You’re so happy most of the time.

I’m not happy now. 

*races into the room, latches onto Emil’s leg*

*smiles* Hey, monkey. You get tired of waiting?

*bobs head*

I’m done now. *picks her up, props her on his hip, glares at me* Let’s go find somewhere that’s happy. *leaves the room, peeks around the corner* And joyful! *goes behind corner,  pops back* With cookies!

*grins, raises arms into the air, mouths* Cookies!

*leaves for real*

Well … that went a little more downhill than my other interviews have, but these answers will be useful for later and I hope you all enjoyed this interview with Emil. Take a look at some of his fellow grafting’s interviews and come back next month for the interview with Bethia from Red Hood! Thanks for reading!

What do you think of Emi Do you have any further questions for him? From which of my books would you like to see another interview from: Red Hood or Subsapien?

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VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Hee hee. Awwww. Thanks for commenting!

9 years ago

Again, feeeeeeeeels. >_<

Sara Letourneau
Sara Letourneau
9 years ago

Another great interview, Tori! I like how it shows how Emil's a cool, caring guy who's trying to make up for the wrongs he's done before. And, um, please tell Emil we're sorry and we didn't mean to get him upset. 🙁