Interview with Claes (Red Hood)!

Claes (Red Hood)

Hi! I’m back with another character interview and this one is with a secondary character from steampunk fantasy Red Hood. Thank you to everyone who contributed questions! If you’d like to get a brief idea of Claes, you can check out his bio. Now on to the interview! *turns in chair to face Claes more, smiles* Good afternoon, Claes.
*smiles, nods at me*
Ready for the interview?
Awesome. We’ll start with some light questions first. This one is from Maggie: Hey there, Claes! What is your favorite thing you’ve made?
*looks down in thought* Hmm … *has a Scottish lilt and voice is quiet* I foound some moonstone once … and I made a pehndent … that loooked like a globe … wehth stars. Sold that one … forr a goood price. I don’t find … many jooewels to work wehth … but when I do I enjoy … craftin’ wehth ’em.
Neat. Next question from Jadezee: Hey, Claes! Do you like crafting weapons or jewelry more? 
*clasps hands together on one knee* They’re very dehfferent … but I thehnk … I like jewelry morre. I like doing … delicate work.
*nods* This question is from Wesley Wood: How does he cope with being deaf in one ear? Does it make his job harder?
Well … *points to left ear* My other earr got stronger … after I lost hearin’ in my right. It doesn’t effehct my worrk … too much. Only when dealin’ wehth customers … and suppliers sometimes.
Here is one from Ruth Blomgren: What are your morals, beliefs?
*lowers hand* I follow … the Holy Boook. I try to do goood … the best I can.
*nods* Here’s a second from Jadezee: And, what’s your favorite color?
 Mine too. *smiles* Another from Ruth Blomgren: How do you typically act around others and how does it differ than when you’re alone?
I’m quiet … all the time. Thehs is the most … talkin’ I’ve done ehn weeks.
*snickers a little, smile fades* This one is from Amy Covel: To Claes: Since you come from an abusive home, do you ever think about running away, and why not? Is it because you don’t want to leave your friends behind? Could you go to another place where no one would have any prejudices towards you?
*shifts in his seat* I’ve tried … but for several reasons … I went back. One is … because of my friends … yes. Another is …. for my worrk … I need money for my oown foorge … and searchin’ for another foorge … as good as the one I have is … difficult. Lastly … with all the werewoolves aboout … unless I have an escort … travel is very dangerous. I want to go to Ionad … once I raise enough money for travel … my oown hoouse … and my own foorge.
Sounds sensible. Here’s another from Ruth Blomgren: What do you like to eat, do and go? What’s fun to you whether you’re with friends or alone?
I eat whatever I can get … and I’m mostly at the mine, my home or the foorge. I don’t have much time … for fun honestly.
This one is from Lyssa:): What happened to your parents?
*pauses, licks his upper lip* They died. I never … knew them.
*brow furrows in sympathy* I’m sorry. *looks at audience* Just because I made up his backstory doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad for him. *clears throat, looks back at Claes* Next is from Ruth Blomgren: What did you like to play with when you were little? And do you still like to play with it?
My grandfather … never gave me any toys. I had a small pickaxe … to practice wehth. That was … all. *shrugs*
*grumbles* Man, I made your life suck … *regular volume* Also from Ruth Blomgren: What is your favorite childhood memory and what is your earliest memory?
*pale cheeks get a tint of pink* My favorite memory is … when I met Mor. We met not long after … her father went missing. My earliest …
You can be honest. We’re all friends here.
All my earliest have … my grandfather hehttin’ me.
*mouths to the side as I’m getting up the next question on my laptop* Like I said suuucks. *out loud* This is the last one from Jadezee: Deep question here. What do you regret the most?
Not blockin’ the hit that toook … half my hearing away. I know I was ten … but I shoould have done somethin’. It woould have been worth … an extra beatin’ somewhere else.
*sighs* Another from Ruth Blomgren: What are your greatest fears and happiest thoughts? What calms you down or makes you angry?
These questions got … serious quickly.
Yeah … *smiles, rubs behind my neck, anime sweat drop*
My greatest fear is … that when I moove to Ionad … I won’t see Mor again–at least not … for a long time. *voice lowers more, dips head, small smile* My happiest thoughts are … aboout seeing Mor. *raises voice volume just a bit* Working in the forge always calms me … and anyone who is unkind … to Mor makes me angry. *frowns*
Last question, also from Ruth Blomgren: Who is your best friend and who is your worst enemy?
My best friend is … Mor and my enemy … I suppose is Grandfather.
I see. Well, those are all the questions. Thank you for joining me, Claes.
Of course. *smiles*
*looks at audience* And thank you again for all these great questions. If you have any others, leave them in the comments for another interview! You can check out more about Claes’s book in the interview with Mor and in the Beautiful Books posts about Red Hood! Thanks for reading!

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9 years ago

Oh! Apologize to him for me for making him think about so many upsetting things! Sorry!!! I hope his life gets better soon and I hope he doesn't have to leave Mor behind.

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  RuthEB
9 years ago

Lol it's okay. It helped me develop his character. Thanks for commenting!

Cassidy Clayton
Cassidy Clayton
9 years ago

*Grumpycat face* not okay, Tori. XD not okay. Poor Claes.

Cassidy Clayton
Cassidy Clayton
9 years ago

*Grumpycat face* not okay, Tori. XD not okay. Poor Claes.

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Cassidy Clayton
9 years ago

Lol. XD Thanks for commenting. ^ ^