Hey, everybody! It’s time for Chalmer’s character interview. Thanks again for the great questions! Let’s get started. *turns in Tonight Show set up to Chalmers * Good afternoon, Chalmers.
Good afternoon. I’m happy to be here. *scars stretch on his face as he smiles*
Good. Are you ready for the questions?
Yes of course.
The first question is from Christine and careful not to be too spoilery with this one. Like we talked about. Can you tell us about Silver Hoods and how you feel being one?
Oh right. We’re a race of people who mimic great beasts, but we’ve had to be in hiding because the Ardalamh Empire wants us exterminated. I’m proud of my heritage, but sometimes I wish I could trade it to have the freedom to be able to walk outside without the fear of being arrested.
Understandable. Next question is also from Christine, what does a normal day look like for you? Great question, by the way, Christine.
That is a good question. Thank you, Miss Christine. *^ ^* After rising and dressing in the morning, I have breakfast with my family, done by our cook. Mother loves to cook but hardly has the time with her duties. I’ve finished as far as our education take me. It’s limited considering our circumstances, so I spend much of my time working on my inventions. I’m currently trying to improve my brother Gunn’s medical equipment. I usually have lunch by myself and read a bit. Then work on my inventions until supper which I have with my family. Then we spend some time together, playing board games or something of the like then I have some time for myself reading before going to bed. This is my regular day unless there is a special event.
That was a great answer!
Thank you.
The next one is also from Christine: How do you feel about being part of such a large family? What do you think of your siblings?
I like my brothers well enough. Gunn is a doctor. I suppose we’re the closest. Acair sleeps in much of the time and is late to so many things. Nathair is very positive and a good person to speak to for encouragement, which is the opposite to Sholto who is grumpy most of the time. Torquil has so many allergies he’s sneezing almost constantly and Pol is very silly.
They sound like a fun bunch. *wink* The next three questions are from Rachel: What do you like most about having six siblings?
I’m never lonely. I value my solitude, but also good to know I will always have my brothers if I need them.
What do you like least?
I suppose the normal sibling troubles. Torquil has gotten mucus over my equipment countless times. Pol steals my tools. Acair is angry if I’m too loud in the morning. We share a room. Those sorts of things.
I know the feel. Which sibling is most like you and why?
Gunn. He’s a doctor and we work together on many projects. We spend the most time with each other and have similar dreams.
That’s sweet. *writes down to separate the two of them in the book because I’m an awful author like that* The next three questions belong to Anonymous: Are you proud of your accomplishments as a tinkerer?
Oh yes. I’ve actually invented a machine that is like a stethoscope but it can read a person’s heart rate constantly. I’m proud of that one the most. It’s helped so many of Gunn’s patients.
That’s very cool! What is his earliest memory?
Hmm. *looks up in thought* When I was little my mother drew faces on acorns for me and I would play with them. I suppose that’s my earliest.
What is one memory he’d chose to keep if all the others had to be erased?
Hmm … That’s a difficult question. I wouldn’t want to lose any of my memories. They’re all special even the bad ones. I suppose a family dinner. I would never want to forget my family.
That’s a good choice. These last two are from Christine. What do you fear the most?
I suppose that I’ll never be able to walk freely outside of home. I want to be able to travel and see more instead of being trapped.
I would go stir crazy too. And final question: what is your greatest hope for the future?
That the Silver Hoods can be at peace and be free.
Thank you for joining us today, Chalmers.
It’s been a pleasure.
(Me Thinking): I’ve got so much more material to make your life harder in Black Hood.) I’m very excited to write your book. *smiles *
Thanks again everyone!
Yes. Thank you!
What do you think of Chalmers? Do you have any further questions for him? Have you ever done a character interview? Share a link in the comments!
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