Interview with Caleb (Subsapien) 2!


Hey, everyone! It’s time for this month’s character interview! Today is from one of Subsapien Biomech‘s main characters named Caleb. You can learn a bit more about him by checking out his bio and about his book by checking out the A Book’s Genesis! Thank you to everyone who submitted questions. Let’s get to the interview! *turns to Caleb in my chair that’s positioned like a late night talk show next to Caleb* Hello, Caleb. Are you ready to get started?

Hey and yes, I’m really ready. I haven’t done of of these in a while. *smiles*
Question one: What is your favorite meal?
Oh that’s uh hard … I’m not really a foodie. I like Italian food, but it gives me garlic breath and that’s embarrassing, but I still like it … I just have to brush my teeth after.
*nods* Anna asks: What are your favorite things to build?
This is tough because I can’t remember much of my life, but I think I like building things that help people. You know like fixing robots so they’re more efficient or just making things that make life easier.
That’s really sweet of you. Another question is: Are there any building projects that you’re especially proud of?
*thinks for a few seconds* I remember something vaguely about an invention I made for my mom for her birthday. It presented her with flowers and a song. I guess I had a close relationship with her at one point. *shrugs, sighs*
*nods* Next question: What do you think of the graftings? Do you empathize with them since your body isn’t totally human anymore?

I don’t really know much about them. Bryce says he is one, but it’s really confusing, because Mr. Mitchell says he’s lying. I don’t know what to believe anymore. If they’re anything like Bryce, I don’t think I’d like any more of them. He’s kinda creepy.
Who are your best friends? Who are you closest to?
I don’t remember any of my original friends and family, but I guess the person I’m closest to is Pro. She’s really nice. *blushes*
*smiles* What do you like about Pro?
She’s pretty and strong and pretty and brave and pretty. I said “pretty” three times didn’t I?
You did. *^ ^’*
Sorry. *clears throat* She’s just a crystal person all around.
*giggles* The next question is from Anna J. Jacobson: If you saw a fistfight happen in a hallway between two strangers, what would you do?
Oh um … Let’s see. I would get someone to break it up. Not me. I’d get my face smashed.
Kayla Marie wants to know: Do you have nightmares?
A good number of them. They’re really weird and have a little girl with wings and a guy with green glowing eyes that tries to kill me. *shudders*
That sounds scary. The last question is from Anna J. Jacobson: What makes him suspicious about Rota Labs? What seems nefarious?
The way they treat Bryce primarily. They’re always so harsh with him even if he isn’t doing anything wrong. I mean, I don’t like him very much, but he shouldn’t be treated like that. 
I see. That’s all of the questions for today. *looks at audience* Thanks again for the questions! Come back next month for an interview with another character from the Subsapien series named Ashlyn. She is my seven-year-old mute kleptomaniac Asian. She’s so adorable! Thanks for reading! Bye!
Thanks for having me!

What do you think of Caleb? Do you have any further questions for him? Have you done character interviews before? Post a link in the comments!

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