Interview with Bethia (Red Hood)

*sitting outside with my laptop in a chair* Hey, everybody! Today I’m interviewing Bethia, a secondary character from my steampunk fantasy Red Hood. If you’d like to learn a bit about her before reading the interview, check out her bio. Thank you, everyone who submitted questions! These interviews really help me develop characters! If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it! Let’s get to it! Hello, Bethia!

*smiles* Hello, Victoria. 
Well, most of these questions are about you being Locked. Is that all right? 
I will answer whatever questions you give me. I read the bio. My Locked condition seemed to be the key point.

Yeah. ^ ^’ Okay. *rubs hands together* First questions is from … Andrea Adams: About how long can someone be locked before they go mad?
*sits straight* That depends on the individual. It can be a few months or several years. I have been Locked for four years. 
All right. Next question is from Ruth Blomgren: Does your condition ever frighten you? Does knowing what will happen scare you?
*crosses arms* Slowly descending into madness is quite a daunting fate, but I am confident I can prevent it from happening. 

Aka she’s scared to death. Moving on.
*shoots me a glare*

*clears throat* Here’s one from Cassidy: Does she ever regret pushing herself so far as to be Locked, or does she view it as a worthwhile sacrifice?
Though I do not anticipate the fate it has given Red Hoods in the past, I believe it further shows my devotion to Silfurlund. I will sacrifice everything for my country. 

*nods* Next question is from Amy Covel: Do you ever think that your condition can actually be used for good/should you keep it?
Not having to worry about transitioning and releasing the transition to Braith can be relief, but having to fight off animal instincts is not. The release from tedium is not worth my mental state.

Understandable. Here’s Sara Letourneu’s question: Is there anything she turns to (prayer, a certain friend, a beloved object) for comfort or strength when her mental condition gets her down?
My husband. He has been very steadfast throughout this ordeal. *smiles*

*nods* The next two are from Cassidy: How has her husband handled her new state?
He has handled it very well. He has been something to hold onto when I’ve had trouble staying true to myself and fighting against the primal instincts.

That’s new. *types that into notes* How does she go about searching for a cure? Is anything justifiable, or does she have limits as to how far she will go in her search?
I have been researching many methods of healing and therapy, and experimenting on myself, but to no avail–yet. And I have no limit to what I will do to succeed. Is that not evident by my being Locked in the first place?

*writes down the info* And the next two are from Andrea Adams: Does she have any idea what she’s looking for when trying to find the cure? 
I have been doing much research into herbal remedies that help the chemicals in the brain and trying some ancient methods.

Is anyone else helping her search for it?
Yes, I am not the only one who is Locked. Many of my fellow sisters who have this condition assist me.

And here is the last one from Amy Covel: Bethia, you seek a cure for yourself. What drives you to find one for others? 
I care about my fellow Red Hood sisters. They may not be blood, but they are my comrades in arms and I would die for them.

Last question is from Cassidy: Does she feel betrayed by her fellow Red Hoods because of how they treat her?
It can be … quite unsettling to be under the scrutiny one is as a Locked. But I understand their concerns. *shifts in her chair*

And that’s it. Thanks for answering all of the questions–mostly truthfully.
I have to leave some surprises for the novels.

That’s true. *turns to audience* Thank you again to everyone who submitted questions! If you’d like to learn more about Bethia’s book, check out my Beautiful Books posts! Also take a look at his fellow characters’ interviews such as Mor or Claes’s. I hope you enjoyed this one! And thanks for reading! Come back next month for the antagonist from Red Hood, Nzelt’s interview!
Swords like the ones Bethia uses.

What do you think of Bethia? Do you have any further questions for her?

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