
Soundtrack Sunday: Remembering Daventry (King’s Quest VIII: The Mask of Eternity)

It’s Soundtrack Sunday again! The day where I post awesome music to write to or just listen to for pleasure if you’re a fellow soundtrack junkie. In honor of one of my favorite game series of all time finally getting another episode in the epic saga, I’m featuring a soundtrack piece from the King’s Quest series.  …

Soundtrack Sunday: Remembering Daventry (King’s Quest VIII: The Mask of Eternity) Read More »

A Book Review of From the Mouth of Elijah by Bryan Davis

Buy it on Amazon! In Song of the Ovulum, a fiery battle between dragons and the military helped Matt and Lauren set their father, Billy Bannister, free from a demonic captor. The demon, however, escaped and kidnapped their mother, Bonnie. During the battle, a portal vortex flung Matt into oblivion, and no one knew where …

A Book Review of From the Mouth of Elijah by Bryan Davis Read More »

Beautiful People #11: Brian

It’s time for this month’s Beautiful People! Yay! This is a link-up hosted by Paperfury and Further Up and Further In where you answer questions about your characters. I participated in Beautiful People #1, #2, #3 and the villain special last year. And I’ve done Beautiful People Author Edition, Beautiful People Valentine Edition, Beautiful People #7, Beautiful People Sibling Edition, Beautiful People #9 and Beautiful People: Parental Edition. This link-up has been …

Beautiful People #11: Brian Read More »

Third Bloggy Birthday Bash: Opening and Blast to the Past!

Today is the blog’s third birthday! *pops streamer* For some unknown reason, I’ve never celebrated my blog’s birthday. It’s deprived. *pets blog* So this is my first time doing a blog celebration and I hope you guys like it! So what if I just used this gif. It’s perfect for the occasion. To divide up …

Third Bloggy Birthday Bash: Opening and Blast to the Past! Read More »

Wonderful Word Wednesdays: Besotted

It’s Wonderful Word Wednesday again! Do you as a writer ever struggle finding that perfect word to describe something or you want to shake your writing up with some new words? Each Wednesday I post hand-picked descriptive words for writers and other vocabulary nerds out there. 😉  besotted adjective 1.) intoxicated; drunk: We found him besotted with …

Wonderful Word Wednesdays: Besotted Read More »