Another Schedule Revision Post!

Okay. I’ve given this a lot of thought and I’m revising my schedule once more. I’m moving everything kinda fun and fan-like post to Fridays only while Saturday posts will focus more on books, writing, and my journey as a writer so Fridays will be more carefree while Saturdays are a bit more informative. I hope this will help me produce better content for you guys on all things writing and geeky!

Here is the new schedule:

The Schedule:

All posts will go up at 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Sunday – Soundtrack Sundays – The day I post a new music score piece.
Tuesday – Tea Tuesday – The day I post a review of teas for your drinking pleasure while writing or reading.
Wednesday – Wonderful Word Wednesday –  The day I post an awesome word for writing.
Friday – Fan Friday – This will include tags, character interviews, link-ups (by me or other people), and the like. Basically just fun stuff.
1st Saturday of the Month – A Writing post – (link) On this day I’ll post about writing tips, writing rants, and other similar topics.
2nd Saturday of the Month – A Book Review – (link) On this day I’ll post a review of a book I’ve read recently.
3rd Saturday of the Month – 
Other Saturdays (3rd or 4th depending on the month) – Varied –  Author interview, a guest post, or a second writing post or book review or another such post. Basically these are the two surprise/flexible days.
Last Saturday of the Month – Writing Journey Update – This will be a monthly post about what I’ve learned in the month and how my writing is going and ect.
Note: If an event comes up such as a convention or conference happens near a designated post’s Saturday, I’ll write the post on that week and scooch the regular post to a different week, and I’ll designate to what week each time.

If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂

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