Interview with Cynara (Subsapien)

Hey, everyone! Today I’m interviewing one of my side characters named Cynara from my science-fiction novel Subsapien: Biomech. If you’d like to know a little bit about her before reading the interview, you can check out her bio
Wow, so many questions for today! Thank you to everyone who submitted them so much! These are going to help me get to know Cynara so well. Character interviewing is such a helpful character-building exercise. If you’d like to learn how to do it for your own characters, you can check my character interview post. Welp, without further ado let’s get this interview started. *turns in chair to Cynara* Your character is about to be pegged, Cynara. 
*snaps fingers* Darn, and I was enjoying being all mysterious in your head. *giggles*
Yeah, yeah. *waves her off* We’ve got a lot of questions to get through. Are you ready?
*leans forward* Shoot.
The first one is from Kristana Aleman: How long have you been playing piano? Do you like it?
Oh yes. I love it. I’ve been playing since I was six.
Second one is from Cassidy Clayton: Cynara!!! So glad that Tori finally got around to doing your interview!!! Okay, so here are my questions: You like playing the piano, I noticed. Do you compose music of your own? 
I haven’t done it too much. I mostly like figuring out my favorite pieces on the piano by ear. I should give it a try though. Living at the L.T.R. hasn’t exactly given me the opportunity though. No piano. *puffs bangs out of her face*
I was hoping to get that solved. Next one is from Adriana Lister: She sounds like a wonderful character! (Sad but wonderful!)
Well, thank you, and sad? I’m sad? Why am I sad? What did you tell her, Tori?
*clears throat* Stuff. Anyway … Adriana’s question: What is your favorite piece to play on the piano?
Favorite? That’s hard … Well, I like some modern bands I know you all don’t know considering you’re a hundred years before my time, but I really like the oldie from around you all’s time “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton. It’s really fun to play. *smiles*
Cool cool. Moving on from the piano topic, we’re going to some about you being a biomech.
*nods* This should be interesting.
The first one on this topic is from M.D. Barton: What is your favorite new limb?
Well, I only have a new right arm so I guess that’s my favorite. *holds right arm up*
The next one is from Jessi L. Robert’s character Krys.
Ooo! One from my people. Ask it. *rotates hand*
*laughs* Okay okay. Krys says: *Looks at her cybernetic hand* How do you feel about your cybernetics? Would you rather be normal, or do you think they’re an improvement? I know I’d rather be normal, but I have other things to worry about.
Well … I wasn’t really normal to begin with and the biometrics allow me to function like a normal person, so I actually kind of like them. They still have their drawbacks, but it’s nice to be able move normally.
*nods* Here’s another from Kristana Aleman: Are you scared of a future as a biomech?  Do you think it will make people look at you differently? 
That’s a tricky one. *puts her hand on her chin* I guess I am a little nervous about it. The L.T.R. scientists seem to want to keep me at the lab and they don’t seem too keen on letting me go home. I don’t really know how college and having a completely normal life will work now. The scientists see me differently, but there are a lot of other kids here who are just like me so I’m not alone in it. I don’t look different than I did. If I don’t tell anyone what I am, they won’t really know I’m any different than they are.
Mm. Did not know this … Now we have one from Anna: If her mother and sister were still alive does she think she would’ve converted to being a biotech?
*sighs, looks down* I think I would have. It probably would have been better, because they could maybe visit me.
*puts hand on her leg, pats it, moves hand back to my laptop* Last question on this subject is from Krys:  Also, what do you think of pesky doctors that don’t give you any personal space?
I’m a little used to it because I had to get a lot of check ups for my MS, but here they’re more … intense  here, I guess? I prefer my old doctors basically.
All right, now we’re going to another topic. Amy Covel asks: How do you deal with loneliness?
Ah, here comes the deep stuff you warned me about. *purses lips* Hmm … I’d just try not to think about it. I’d focus on school or piano or a TV show or something like that. It actually feels a lot better since I came to the L.T.R. My roommates are nice and Bryce is pretty cool. *looks down and smiles*
The next question is from Kristana Aleman again: Tori called your personality eccentric. Do you agree? What do you think makes you eccentric? 
She called me eccentric. *frowns at me* I really should have proofread that bio, but anyway … I guess I sort of agree. I feel like I see things different than anyone else. I’ve never been the kind of person to follow the popular opinion and styles and such. It’s why I like hanging out with people like Bryce, because he sees the world differently and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in that.
Another from Cassidy Clayton: How has having multiple sclerosis changed affected your outlook on life? 
It’s made me appreciate simple things like moving and walking. It’s nice to not have to do that without pain anymore. Some days I couldn’t go to school, because everything hurt so badly.
*nods* The next three are from Amy Covel: What is your greatest fear?
That’s a toughie. Um … Probably being too weird that no one will like me. Another reason I like being around Bryce is he’s someone weirder than me who’s still cool. *smiles*
*nods* All right, more deep stuff coming up: What do you consider your greatest weakness?
That’s hard. I guess not having enough confidence in myself sometimes. I can fake it, but sometimes I just don’t do things because I think I can’t do them well. 
And one last deep one for now: What is your greatest strength?
Finally. These are heavy. Let’s see … I think I’m good at accepting people. I tend to gravitate toward the rejects and they always say I’m really not judgmental. I’m also very persistent. *giggles*
All righty. Here are some lighter ones.
Thank goodness.
This is the last one from Anna: What would Cynara consider to be a good friend? 
Someone who accepts me as me and who’s honest and nice. Not a jerk basically.
On the topic of friends here’s one from M.D. Barton: Who are you most like of your new friends?
*smiles* Bryce. We have a lot in common. I mean Pro, Caleb, and my roommates are nice, but I’m just … drawn to Bryce.
And one from Amy Covel: Who is your best friend and why?
I’ve never really had a best friend. Not a real one as in not someone who doesn’t turn out to be a backstabber. 
And we’re diving back into the deep stuff. 
Oh boy …
Adriana Lister is starting us off: What was often your reaction to the whole thing with your sister being the favorite and you being the ‘less’ favorite? (Sorry I had to ask…)
*sighs* Cara never liked that Dad did that, but there was nothing she could do. I wasn’t ever really mad at her. I was mostly mad at myself for never being good enough for my dad.
Lot’s of stuff I didn’t know. Here’s another one from Amy Covel: Since you’ve lost your family, what do you carry with you that they left behind (i.e. trinkets, values, beliefs, memories, etc.)?
Well, I have my mother’s my mother’s charm bracelet and I still keep Cara’s old teddy bear she still slept with up until … *swallows* Yeah. 
*brow furrows in sympathy* And one from Alyssa Greer: What is your favorite memory of your mother?
I miss her reading to me and Cara and singing to us. *looks down*
Next one is from Amy Covel: What is your best memory with your father? 
My dad? That’s tougher. I guess when he surprised me with a Steinway piano for my tenth birthday. I felt like he actually cared then. 
And last question is from Cassidy Clayton: What are /your/ dreams? Do you have anything you want to do Thanks for answering ^ ^
I guess to have a happy life. Go to college, get married, maybe be a piano teacher. I’m not totally sure what I want to do yet, but that’s one option.
And that’s it!
That was a lot of questions. *chuckles, grins*
And thanks for answering them all. You’re much clearer now.
Eh you’d get it out of me somehow. Might as well be willing. I finally feel like an official character now that I’ve had my interview.
*laughs, looks at you readers* Thanks again everyone for the questions! If you have any more, leave them in the comments. I hope you all liked Cynara and if you’d like to know more about Cynara’s book and her fellow characters check out Bryce’s, Pro’s, and Caleb’s character interviews and more in the My Characters tab and/or check out more about their book in the My Books tab. Have a good day! And thanks for reading!
*waves* Bye!

What do you think of Cynara? Have you done any character interviews?

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