Interview with Dina (Red Hood)

*sitting in my room with my laptop in a chair* Hey, everybody! Today I’m interviewing Dina Muir, a secondary character from my steampunk fantasy Red Hood. If you’d like to learn a bit about her before reading the interview, check out her bio. Thank you, everyone who submitted questions! These interviews really help me develop characters! If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it! Now without further ado let’s get to it! Hello, Dina!

*sitting in a chair to my left like in a late night talk show, English accent* Hello, Victoria.

Are you ready to get started with questions?

*smiles* Very. I’m so excited to be finally interviewed!

All right then. The first one is from Jamie Terry: How did you and Mor become friends? You sound so opposite, it would seem like an unlikely friendship.

I like that she is different from me. We balance each other out. She is courageous where I can be fearful and I am more sensitive where she can be more brash. *laughs softly* She can be a bit of a brute sometimes. We met when we were in a our first year of school. We sat in the very same class with each other and I did not have many friends and I was too bashful to talk to anyone. Mor sat in the desk next to me. She turned to me and said, “I am looking for a new friend and you look like a fine one.” And we have been friends ever since.
Second question is from Amy Covel: Hello, Dina! Nice to meet you. You sound absolutely sweet.


*smiles* What do you like about Mor, and have you ever made anything for her?

 She is strong and brave and she can be very considerate. She is fiercely loyal and she always has my back. I have made many things for her actually. I have mostly crafted shirts for her since she does not like dresses. 

Next question, well, sort of question is from Annika Smith: Describe the best thing you’ve ever sewn.

Oh I like this question! I made a lovely dress for my younger sister Colleen’s tenth birthday. I saved up for silk and linen for the dress and embroidered the fabric with tiny dresses. It turned out so wonderfully. *grins*

Here is another from Amy Covel:  Do you sew gifts for other people?

Oh yes. That is usually my Winter Festival present for everyone and birthday and summer festival. I believe all my gifts are something sewn. *giggles*

The next question is from Cassidy Clayton: Hey, Dina! So, a lot of my questions have already been asked (I suppose that’s what I get for procrastinating ^ ^’. ) Along the same lines as Amy, if you’ve made gifts, what sort of things have you made to give away?

Lots and lots of things! Shirts and dresses and corsets and bodices and gloves and pants and jackets. I made Claes a lovely gray blue jacket. He needed a new one so badly.

Last one from Cassidy Clayton:  Also along a similar vein, do you design your own new patterns as well as making of the basics?

Oh yes. I have designed a lot of new dresses and jackets. I should have brought some of my patterns. I did not think of that. Blast.

And another from Annika Smith: What about your favorite [thing to sew]?

Dresses definitely. I love doing dresses. 

Here come the deep stuff I’ve been telling you about. 

*nods firmly* I’m ready. 

First deep question is from Amy Covel: How does it feel being forced into a “job” that’s not your dream? How do you cope with that? 

It does not feel very pleasant. I am skilled at being a Red Hood. I mean, I am quite the markswoman if I do say so myself, but my heart is not into it like Mor’s is. I cope with it by prayer and holding out for some measure of hope that somehow I can leave the Red Hoods.

And the last deep question is from Sara Letourneu: My question for Dina would be, “How do you feel knowing that you can’t pursue your dream to be a seamstress/tailor? Are you OK with doing it as a side hobby?” 

It is discouraging. Sometimes sewing feels pointless but it is what makes me happy. It allows me to cope with being forced into being a Red Hood. I wish so badly I could do it as a career, but if all I can do is have it as a hobby I rather do that. I love creating beautiful things to wear and making people feel pretty or handsome. Phew. That wasn’t too bad. *smiles nervously*

I hope you all liked Dina and if you’d like to know more about her book and her fellow characters check out Mor and Claes’s character interviews and more in the My Characters tab and/or check out more about their book in the My Books tab. Have a good day! And thanks for reading!

Farewell and thank you for the lovely questions! 

What do you think of Dina? Do you have any further questions for her?

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VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

She is such a cutie. ^ ^ I love her. The sewing talent came out of the blue while writing her, because I thought, "You need a hobby. Which one do you want? Sewing. Cool. That works." Do your characters have any cool hobbies? You're totally welcome. ^ ^ Thanks so much for commenting!

Sara Letourneau
Sara Letourneau
9 years ago

Awwww, Dina is a sweetheart. She sounds like sewing and clothes-making makes her feel alive. Not to mention it's an admirable talent to have. Thanks for giving us a chance to learn more about her! 🙂

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

I'm glad you like her. Thank you so much for commenting!

9 years ago

Aww. You're awesome, Dina!

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

I may have to take you up on that. I will need betas in the coming months. 🙂 Thank you!

9 years ago

Your Welcome! 🙂
No worries, and I was meaning to ask do you need a Beta Reader for this story, because I would love to read it, and give you feedback.It just sounds awesome.

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Thank you so much! Your comment is so encouraging! Thank you so much for taking the time to do it! I appreciate it.

9 years ago

I love this story, it is sounds so interesting. Dina sounds sweet. What an original take on Red Riding Hood. Love it.