Wonderful Word Wednesday: Simulacrum

It’s Wonderful Word Wednesday again! Do you as a writer ever struggle finding that perfect word to describe something or you want to shake your writing up with some new words? Each Wednesday I post hand-picked descriptive words for writers and other vocabulary nerds out there. 😉 
noun, plural simulacra [sim-yuh-ley-kruh]
1.) a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance.
2.) an effigy, image, or representation:
a simulacrum of Aphrodite.
Example Sentence: A statue in front of the manor, provided a simulacrum of Mor’s ancestor, Aithne Galbraith.
Mor, my main character from my steampunk fantasy Red Hood.
Have you seen or used this word before? What do you think of it?
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VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

It is! It's fun to say out loud lol. It's one of those specific words you can only use at certain times, but that's what makes it special. 😉

You're welcome and thanks for commenting!

Sunny Smith
Sunny Smith
9 years ago

This is a fun word! I've never heard of it before, but I like it (even if I'm not sure how often I'll use it, haha).

Thanks for sharing it!