Wonderful Word Wednesday: Eternize

It’s Wonderful Word Wednesday again! Do you as a writer ever struggle finding that perfect word to describe something or you want to shake your writing up with some new words? Each Wednesday I post hand-picked descriptive words for writers and other vocabulary nerds out there. 😉 
verb (used with object), eternized, eternizing.
1.) to make eternal; perpetuate.
2.) to immortalize.
Example Sentence: If Mor could not survive this battle then she would settle with her memory being eternized in tales–like Granny was.
Mor (Red Hood)
Have you seen or used this word before? What do you think of it?
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VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Lol. I'm so glad you like it! Pulchritudinous is a good word! You're welcome! Thank you for stopping by Stori Tori's Blog!

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Lol. XD Alliteration! Yes I love that word, I feel that word lol.

Cait @ Paper Fury
Cait @ Paper Fury
9 years ago

I haven't ever heard this word BUT I LIKE IT. I'm addicted to big and weird words…omg, I love them so much. But seriously my vocabularly is like "ZOMG LOL I CANNOT EVEN" or "you look pulchritudinous". There is no in between. XD

Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

9 years ago

I know there are others I like that don't start with P…I guess once I got going, they wanted to follow a pattern. XD Ooh! Those two are great! I especially love discombobulated. ^_^

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

Hee hee. I see you like P words lol. I like cacophonous and discombobulated a lot. ^ ^

9 years ago

It is! Yes, expanding one's vocabulary (particularly in writing) is fun. 🙂 Hmm…favorite word? I have several! Among them are paradox, paraphernalia, puttering, susurrate, and the ever-wonderful supercalafragilisticexpialadocious. 😉 (There's a lot of P words in there. Odd.) How about yourself?

VictoriaGrace Howell
VictoriaGrace Howell
9 years ago

It's so cool isn't it? I definitely want to include it somewhere if not just my own vocabulary lol. I'm glad you like it and the picture. ^ ^ Do you have a favorite word? Thanks for commenting!

9 years ago

Great word, and one I hadn't heard of until now. 🙂 (Also love that picture of Mor.)