Interview with Nzelt (Red Hood)

All rights go to the original artist.
This is just the only picture I could find that looks like Nzelt. XD

*sitting outside with my laptop in a chair* Hey, everybody! Today I’m interviewing Nzelt, the antagonist from my steampunk fantasy Red Hood. If you’d like to learn a bit about him before reading the interview, check out his bio. Thank you, everyone who submitted questions! So many great ones this go around. I’m floored at the response I got. These interviews really help me develop characters! If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it! Let’s get to it! Hello, Nzelt.

Hello, Victoria. *sitting in a chair across from me like a talk show interview, has his legs crossed, holding his cane with one hand* 

Are you ready to get started?


Wonderful. The first question is from Amy Covel: How do you pronounce your name? 

*smiles, waves hand* Oh it is quite simple. N-zehlt. Nothing special.

The next one is from Imogen Elvis: Is he a solitary sort of person, or does he have many friends? If so, who would he count as his best friend?

I prefer solitude and I do not have the time for many friends. I cannot get any work done with too many people around, though I do host the occasional party. The closest people to me are my parents, but I only visit them on occasion. 

Introvert. Interesting … *types on laptop* Here is one from Liz Brooks: What are some of his insecurities, and what are some of his driving motivations?

Insecurities? As if I am going to divulge any of those to the public. The second question I am glad to answer. My driving motivation is my love for my people and my family. I want them to live better lives, ones we should have the right to live.

I knew you weren’t going to answer that first one … The next question is from Ely: Other than magic, how does he spend his time?

I do many things. During my leisure, I enjoy reading and a hot cup of tea. During my duties, I sort through many documents and go to political appearances, to name just a few. Terribly drab that.

Didn’t know you liked reading … This is another from Liz Brooks: What are some of his good qualities (because I feel like every developed villain has at least one or two, buried under there somewhere and twisted and all)?

I have many good qualities. I am quite generous for one.

And self-centered apparently … *types on laptop* Jamie Blomgren asks: What’s your happiest memory? 

When I received my first microscope. It opened such a world of discovery. *smiles* It was a birthday present from my father.

Sara Letourneau would like to know: First, out of all the skills and trades he’s learned, which one does he think has been most valuable? 

Hmm … *rubs chin* Alchemy probably. I did create a legion of werewolves with it.

The next question is from Imogen Elvis: Are there any skills he hasn’t yet mastered that he would like to have a go at? 

Croquet. *chuckles* Blasted game always gets the best of me.

Nice one. *shakes head* Amy Covel asks: So, Nzelt, you have a long list of “titles…” Is there anything else you would like to be? 

A Botanist perhaps. I know the ins and outs of almost every living creature. I would like to study more about plants. Perhaps after I win the war, I will get the time. Wars are so bothersome with all of the time it takes to manage them.

Quite bothersome … as well as gruesome and devastating … This question is from Sara Letourneau: Does he regret having used his magic so frequently and sacrificing his life for his work?

No, I do not. I do not plan on dying either. Not for a while anyway or I may discover a way to live forever. It is on my to-do list.

It seems to be an ever growing list. Liz Brooks would like to know: How do his people treat him and how does he see himself now that he looks different from all the others in his race? 

They see it as a noble sacrifice for the good of the people. My skin color is the mark of my devotion. It opens up an entirely new wardrobe selection as well. *grins*

Here is another from Imogen Elvis: Did he know how extensive the cost of improving his country would be to him personally when he started? 

Yes, I anticipated it. Changing the world does have its expenditures.

Jade asks: The first thing I wondered is this: why are the Silfurlundians not willing to barter or simply give the cure to Nzelt? 

The cure is located on sacred lands and they do not want me industrializing it–also I would like to conquer their country as well, so there is that matter. The Ardalamh Empire has reigned too long. Isriki would like to take a turn as King of the World and I would be happy to lead it there.

Another question from Jade: And how do Nzelt and his people view outsiders and vice-versa?

Since the borders are closed, we do not have many outsiders in our country. I have no need of them anyway. The Silfurlundians regard us as “pallid bugbears” I believe, which is fine since I consider them “pink entitled pigs.”

Rude much? Amy Covel would like to know: What do you plan to do after you get your cure? Is it a cure you plan to keep all to yourself or share with others? 

After I use it first, I intend to share it with the rest of the people.

And the last one is from Ruth Blomgren: What do you hope the future will be like for you and your people if you win the war?

We will be free of consequences for our abilities, so our people will no longer hesitate in using them then we will have the technology to be the strongest nation in the world.

And that’s it. 

That was quite fun. I do enjoy talking about myself.

I know you do. My thanks go out to everyone as well! If you’d like to learn more about Nzelt’s book, check out my Beautiful Books posts! Also take a look at his fellow characters’ interviews such as Mor or Claes’s. I hope you enjoyed this one! And thanks for reading! Come back next month for Sting from my sci-fi novel Subsapien’s interview!

Guy looks nothing like Nzelt but
the costume is something he’d wear.
What do you think of Nzelt? Do you have any further questions for him?

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