Interview with Siocban (Silver Hood)

Siocban pronounced “Shoke-bahn.” Gotta love the Scottish.

*sitting in a chair in a room with a laptop on my lap* Hey, everyone! I’m here with the first character interview of the year and it’s with Siocban, a side character from the sequel to Red Hood called Silver Hood. Thank you for submitting questions! This helps me get to know my characters so much better. If you’d like to get some tips about interviewing characters, I wrote a post all about it! Now let’s get to the interview. Hello, Siocban.

*sits with her back straight and hands folded on her lap* Good afternoon, Miss Victoria.

Shall we get started?

Yes, I do not have too much time to spare today. *glances at the window*

All righty. The first question is from Rebekah @ Wordsmithing and Worldbuilding: What made her want to be a Silver Hood, or did she not have a choice in the matter?

*makes eye contact, keeps voice even and clear* Silver Sisters are born with their abilities. Being of a long line of leaders, it is my duty to lead the Silver Hoods. Refusal is not an option.

*nods* The next question is anonymous: How do Silver Hoods differ from Red Hoods? What makes them more elite than the other fighters?
Victoria has warned me of “spoilers” so I will be as specific as I am allowed. In short, Silver Hoods can use their abilities to the fullest. As opposed to Red Hoods only using a muted version.
Yep. Spoilery territory floating around here. ^ ^’ Next question is from Cadi Murphy: How did she meet her husband? 
*matter of factually* Lyall and I were in an arranged marriage. Our parents introduced us.
Didn’t know that. *writes it down* Here’s another anonymous question: What does your husband do for a living?
He is a strategist.
Also didn’t know that. That’s what these are for. Another anonymous question: What are some of your favorite family traditions?
Simply gathering for a meal is a pleasure. *smiles briefly* I try to make a point to spend one day a week with them with no distractions, though sometimes I have to miss it due to my position. My servants and nursemaids care for my household. 
*nods* Another anonymous question: Do your sons have names?
Gunn, Chalmers, Acair, Nathair, Sholto, Torquil, and Pol.
*types all those down quickly* All right. Here’s a second from Rebekah @ Wordsmithing and Worldbuilding: How does she feel about parenting so many boys?
It is a challenge. They are all dear to me, but spreading my time between them can prove very difficult, especially during their younger years. My youngest, Pol, is now four. 
*nods* I can imagine so. The next is from Amy Covel: Goodness–seven sons!–what expectations do you have for them as they grow up? 
I expect them to take good positions in the cause to regain our land. My two eldest, Gunn and Chalmers, already serve.
Here’s one from Cadi Murphy: And did she expect to have that many children?
Yes, my husband and I decided this before we married. 
*types* Rebekah @ Wordsmithing and Worldbuilding and Skye @ InkCastles wants to know: Since she has seven boys (eep!), a husband, and is a warrior, I assume she’s pretty busy. What does she do to unwind, or for fun? 
*pulls a small metal wing out of a pouch on her belt, fingers it* My clockwork creations and repairing animals are my pastime. I also sing, but only in the private of my family.
I see. Anonymous asks: What kind of animal automaton(s) do you prefer making? Are any particular animal(s) more effective at spying, fighting, etc.?

*turns the wing over in her hands* I prefer making small creatures such as squirrels, birds, moles, and mice, though badgers, foxes, and hedgehogs are effective battles. The former animals are good for spying, while the latter for fighting, though I often use birds to blind my enemies. 
Liz Brooks wants to know: What drives you to fix injured animals with clockwork parts? 
I do not like seeing them in pain and it something in my life I can solve immediately. The problem of our oppression has been one generations have tried to solve. It may not be solved in mine either, but I can solve the problem of a broken wing or tail.
Interesting. The next question is from Anonymous: What made you decide to stay in (Silfurlund) even though your family is at risk? Was there nowhere else you could go?
I cannot leave my home. We remain in a hidden place where my family is not in harm’s way. 
Liz Brooks and Amy Covel would like to know: What is the worst part about being a leader, and what is the best part? 
The worst part is the time it takes away from my family and the best is that is my purpose and I am making a difference in the lives of my people.
Liz Brooks asks: What is the worst part about your life, and what is the best part? 
The worst part is the unknowing of when my goal, my family’s goal, will be ultimately accomplished, but the best part is the possibility that it could be soon. 
Next one is from Liz Brooks: What is your idea of a perfect life? 

A world where my sons have no fear of being exterminated for being male Red Hoods. 
Here is another from Skye@ InkCastles: Have you ever killed anyone?
Yes, many times in self defense. 
Elise Brown and Skye@InkCastles ask: Would you call yourself a good person? 
Yes, I would. 

This is the last from Elise Brown: What is your worst regret/memory?
*stays silent for a few moments* Letting my cousin leave. I have not seen him since that day.
Amy Covel would like to know: What is your fondest memory? 
When I left our hidden city to play in the forest with my cousins. We got into much trouble, but it was worth it feeling free for those few hours.
Second to last question is from Liz Brooks and Amy Covel: What is your biggest fear in life? 
That the Silver Hoods will never have their home back.
Here is the last question. It’s from Liz Brooks: So, Siocban, how do you manage to be so awesome? 
*blinks* I do not understand the question. I did not consider myself “awesome.”
Just roll with it. Thanks everyone for the amazing questions. ^ ^ I knew next to nothing before this interview and now I know so much more about Siocban than I did. If you’d like to know more about her story check out their Beautiful People posts mentioned above and more character interviews shown below. Bye!

What do you think of Siocban? Do you have any further questions for her?

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