Fourth Bloggoversary Celebration!

I almost totally forgot that today is this blogs fourth bloggoversary! Today my blog is four years old! My past bloggoversaries have either been nonexistent or meh, so I’m hoping to get this year’s right. Four years ago today, I decided to create my own blog to help my writing platform, but I had no idea the journey it would take me. Blogging has really helped me become more committed and more consistent with my writing and has even earned me positions as an editor for Geeks Under Grace and a staff writer for Geekdom House. It’s truly grown me as a person and a writer.

A Bit About the Blog …

If you’re new here or you’re a long time follower, I wanted to talk about the progression of this blog’s focus. Wanderer’s Pen began its journey as Stori Tori’s Blog. Back then I didn’t know much about blogging at all and I didn’t think myself worthy of giving anyone writing advice so I focused on character interviews. Over time I shifted to writing advice and learned that I actually have something to say that’s useful and people love to read it. 

This year I shifted the blog’s focus when I changed its name to Wanderer’s Pen. I hoped to encompass in this new title geekiness, writing, and travel what with the new So Your Character is From Another Country … series. I wanted to shift the focus less on me and more on other people. Starting in August, my new posting schedule will be book reviews and other posts (such as Top Ten Tuesdays perhaps) on Tuesdays, Fridays will be Tags and my book stuff fun, and Saturdays will be writing posts. I hope to help you all grow in your writing from a geek’s perspective with my writing tips, and to help make your research a bit easier and inspire you with my So Your Character Is … series.
I’ve neglected to do this every year, but I need to with my bloggoversary posts. It’s cool to look back on one’s blog and see how it’s grown. It’s encouraging.
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New Schedule

Starting in August I’m going to be changing up the schedule. I’m going to be posting three days a week, but I’m hoping to put more quality in those few posts a week. I’m doing away with Writerly Bundles since they’re not that popular and I’m adding a sort of post on Tuesdays.

Every Other Tuesday – Book Reviews – Pretty self-explanatory. I will sometimes include a tea review along with it. 
In Between Tuesdays – Free Day. On these days I’ll talk about a recent event or post an extra So Your Character Is Post … or do Top Ten Tuesdays (Which I’ve been meaning to try) something of that sort.

1st Friday of the Month – Questions for a Character – I’ll post a call for questions for one of my characters for a character interview.

1st Saturday of the Month – Writing Tip – I’ll post a writing tip or discussion.

2nd Friday of the Month – Beautiful People – Wherein I link-up to Paper Fury’s famous link-up.

2nd Saturday of the Month – So Your Character is From Another Country – A post series where I interview people from around the world about their countries for a crash course, breaking stereotypes and encouraging international diversity.

3rd (and Bonus) Friday of the Month – Tags or Link-Ups Where I do the various tags I’ve been tagged in.

3rd Saturday of the Month – Movie/Show/Anime/Game Analysis – Where I analyze a certain movie, show, anime, or video game about what they can teach us about writing.

Bonus Saturday of the Month – Varies – I may do another Character from Country post or a guest post. You never know!

Last Friday of the Month – Character Interview – Where I post the character answering all the questions you asked.

Last Saturday of the Month – Monthly Summary – Where I tell you about the happenings and future happenings of me and the blog.

Thank yous

I love all of my readers, even the lurkers. I know you’re there. 😉 I think it’s pretty amazing that you guys want to read what I have to say, but there’s a few of you I want to highlight.

1.) Sara Letourneau @ Sara Letourneau’s Official Website and Blog – Thank you for your love for tea. I love that we can talk tea together and thank you for all of the questions you’ve given me for my characters. They’ve helped so much!

2.) Liz Brooks @ Out of Coffee and Out of Mind – Thank you for your honesty. I know you’ve been going through a rough time so you haven’t been around to comment, but I’ve loved all of your comments you’ve left and your brutal honesty on your blog. 

3.) Christine Smith @ Musings of an Elf Thank you for your fangirling. I love getting comments from you about my characters or fellow fandoms. I love having you to squee with. ^ ^

4.) Tracey Dyck @ Adventure Awaits Thank you for your encouragement. Your comments always cheer me up and make me smile. 

5.) Cait @ Paper Fury Thank you for inspiring me to be a better blogger. Your tips and tricks have helped me get where I am today.

I’m giving away another extra special gift pack! And this is open to international residents! Yay for my international buddies!
If you’re from the USA you win: A book ten dollars or under from Amazon, a five dollar Adagio Teas gift card, and an iTunes song of your choice.
If you’re International you win: An ebook ten USD or under from Amazon, and a five dollar gift card for iTunes. 
Bonus! If my blog reaches 100 Google Friend Connect Followers or 50 Blog Lovin’ followers by the end of this giveaway, I’ll add an additional prize!

Thank you again everyone for sticking with me this long and leaving me encouraging comments and just being awesome. I keep writing because you keep reading!

When’s your bloggoversary? What has blogging taught you? What book would you get if you won? What songs would you get if you won? What teas would you get if you won? Do the jump break posts make scrolling easier on the blog?

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