Monthly Wanderings: March 2021

The flowers are blooming, I got a little progress in my book, I registered for Summer classes, and I had a friend visit whom I haven’t seen in a year!

What I did

1.) I’m up to 40K in my draft of In Darkest Starlight, so I’m slowly getting to my goal.

2.) First news, I’m officially registered for college classes in the Summer. I’m really nervous, but hopefully, I’ll do okay.

Secondly (and the best news of this month), I had my lovely friend Cadi visit. I hadn’t seen her in a year and it was so great to finally see her again after all that time. We went to the Georgia Aquarium, hiked Kennesaw Mountain, ate good food, watched Wolf Walkers, played King’s Quest, browsed a Confederate cemetery, and explored Gibbs Gardens!

3.) I finished reading Dune by Frank Herbert, Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones, Snow and Rose by Emily Winfield Martin, and the Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman! Look at me go. XD

4.) I’ve been sculpting like crazy because of my new Etsy shop and you can check out more pics on my Neverfound Figures Instagram, but here is a sculpture I did of Anne of Green Gables!

The Geeky Department

1.) I played What Remains of Edith Finch on the PS4 and though I liked the idea of it, I felt like the game was incomplete. I’ve also just started Professor Layton and the Curious Village which is a game I’ve had since a teen for my Nintendo DS but for some reason never played!

2.) Gosh, The Promised Neverland season 2 is so great! This has become one of my favorite animes!

3.) I’m watching both the second season of Cells at Work! and Cells at Work! Code Black! And they’re so fascinating and creative and educational!

4.) At the time of writing this the “last” Attack on Titan episode hasn’t come out, but I really hope there’s going to be a part two of this season because there’s too much to wrap up in one episode!

5.) I’ve also been watching a few Netflix shows and movies. Captain Fantastic was a really thought-provoking film starring Viggo Mortensen. The Last Czars was a really in-depth docuseries about the fall of Czar Nicholas and his family, though they could have gone into less detail about a few things. I’m also watching The Queen’s Gambit, which is a very odd show lol.

What I’m Going to Do

1.) I’m going to participate in Camp NaNo so I have the kick in the pants to finally finish this dumb draft. XD

2.) I’m visiting a friend next month and celebrating Easter with family and those are the only exciting things happening. XD

3.) I’m going to be reading Circe by Madeline Miller and The Wolf in the Whale by Jordanna Max Brodsky!

4.) I’ll be sculpting more pieces! If you want to get more updates on those, check out my Neverfound Figures Instagram account!

Last Month on Wanderer’s Pen …

So Your Character is From Another Country Spotlight!

Book Review and Writing Lessons: Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl

So Your Character is From Croatia …

Writing Lessons from Video Games: Ghost of Tsushima

So Your Character is From Estonia …

Book Review and Writing Lessons: Lies by Michael Grant

Book Review and Writing Lessons: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Coming Soon on Wanderer’s Pen …

I may have some more countries posts coming in on Tuesdays but I haven’t gotten questions back yet, so they’re not confirmed!

April 2: Book Review and Writing Lessons: The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan – I loved this climax to the Heroes of Olympus series and I can’t wait to fangirl with you guys about it!

April 6: So Your Character is From Iceland … – I’m excited to have Lilja Sigurðardóttir on the blog to talk about her beautiful home!

April 9: Now I’m 28 … – A post where I reflect on my 27th year and look forward to my 28th. I’m so old. XD

April 16: Writing Lessons from Video Games: NieR: Automata – I was really unsure about this game at first but I ended up really enjoying it and learning from it!

April 23: Book Review and Writing Lessons: Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones – I finally read this book! Thanks to all for recommending it to me!

April 30: Monthly Wanderings: April 2021 – Like this but for April.


March was a pretty refreshing month. ^ ^

Let’s chat! How was your month? Are flowers blooming in your area yet? Did you get any writing or reading in? Do you have any Easter plans?

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3 years ago

I’ve been meaning to watch Wolf Walkers how is it?
Oh and is the second season of The Promised Neverland out! *slightly panics*
Glad you had a good month!

4 years ago

I’m so happy to hear you had such a refreshing March! ^_^ That’s fantastic you and Cadi got to hang out. And I have been LOVING seeing all the epic figures you’ve been creating! That’s really exciting you signed up for summer classes. You totally got this, girl!

Oooh, you started Professor Layton and the Curious Village? I LOVE that game! The music and setting is just *chef’s kiss*. Definitely a favorite from my teenage years! So glad you’re giving it a try. Hilariously enough, I never did play through the many other Professor Layton games… But I hear they’re ALL really good!

And you KNOW I’m ecstatic you finally read Howl’s Moving Castle. XD Only my favorite book EVER! I’m definitely curious to read all your thoughts on it.

Thanks for sharing your month with us! I do hope April proves to be just as lovely! <3