Sybra (Starbloods) |
Hey all! I’m back with another character interview and today’s is with Sybra from my fantasy series Starbloods.
*staring at my laptop screen over my shoulder* Why is a painting of a human being used as my picture for the interview?
*sighs* Like I tell my other characters, I just find pictures close to what you all look like. Her facial structure is similar to yours.
*purses lips* Hm. I suppose. Well, if the readers want to see a real picture of me, they can see the Art Gallery.
Yep. Well, anyway to the interview. Tell us a little bit about yourself, Sybra.
I’m a nymph and I’ve grown up in a Nymphian abbey in Ibreain. I’m also an Iadlonu and my iadlonuse is a dragon. I was trained to be both a warrior and a healer.
Cool. Tell us more about Nymphs.
Nymphs are the most powerful healers of our world. We can sense a patient’s pain to know exactly where he is wounded within the body as well as on the surface and wound he or she may not even be aware of. We can also manipulate emotions and state of consciousness.
Interesting. Random question: What is your favorite food?
Hm… Out of all foods? Jam roll pastries the Head Mother taught me how to make when I was a child.
Cool. And what’s your favorite fruit?
*crosses legs* Pomegranates. I like the juice from them. They’re very healthy too.
*walks in with and eagle perched on his arm* Look at this. Isn’t he beautiful?
*widens eyes* Whoa. Um. He is very pretty Meldar, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to have an eagle in the house.
*strokes eagle’s chest with the bag of his pointer finger* He was hunting from atop the barren trees with ropes connecting them outside and he said he’s allies with a white cat.
*shifts* Well, I’m glad he’s not enemies with her. He looks big enough to eat her.
He said he’s considered it, but an alliance is more beneficial for them both.
*sarcastic* Oh yeah… That’s comforting.
*looks at eagle, smiles* He reminds me of the sea eagles at home. Unfortunately, nymphs cannot understand birds like sylphs can.
*walks in* Did anyone see my knife? It was in my pack and now it’s gone.
*shakes head*
I have my own knife.
So do I.
*blinks at eagle* Where did that come from?
*frowns* I found him outside.
*rolls eyes*
*sighs* Well Rouyn since you’re here, you have a question.
*smirks, crosses arms* Good. I’m on the way to having more than that clay-brain, Bryce.
*squints* Who’s “Bryce”?
*glances at Sybra* I’ll explain later. Now for the question.
Lyssa(: asks, Who is Landora?
*flinches, smiles* Well she is my pegasus and my best friend, but she is missing so I have to look for her. *smile fades*
*looks away, buttons lips* Well, I think that’s all the questions we have today.
That’s all? *huffs* I need more questions to beat Bryce. *looks at laptop* Readers, ask me more questions. Bryce has had a head start.
*looks at laptop* Are there people in there somehow?
*inhales, lets breath out* I’ll explain later.
I’d like some questions too and maybe I can get more than that Pro girl. Nymphs are better than humans anyway. *smirks*
*frowns* Hey.
I’m jesting.
*shifts weight from foot to foot* I wouldn’t mind a question either…
That’s the end of this interview. Commenting a few questions for Sybra, Meldar and Rouyn would make them happy. *winks*
Helps us get more questions than the Subsapien characters.
Or at least equal.
*smiles* The Subsapien characters are almost as cocky as Rouyn. More questions for us would put them in their places hopefully.
*shoots a glare at Meldar*
I hope you all enjoyed the interview. 🙂 You can check out more about Sybra’s book in current projects, her book’s Pinterest board, pictures I have drawings for the story on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page. A reminder that there is not going to be a blogpost next week, since I will be out of country, but I will be back with pictures. 😀 The next interview is still undecided. Would you all like to read an interview with Subsapien characters from Starbloods? Any character in particular? Thanks for reading! 😀
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oh so she's a nymph? can she tell us more about nymphs? r they like the nymphs in Narnia? she sounds pretty coolio. and i like this interview thingy it's pretty cool
I will asks her. 😉 Thanks. 🙂
Soon right? Lol cuz I'm really liking Sybra.
oh okay thought so thanks for clarifying
why did Meldar ask "so do i?" for when Rouyn was asking if they'd seen his knife? X3 i took that he has a knife but since he asked i was wondering if u could clarify that for me
The question mark was a typo. 😛
Cool interview 🙂 I think Sybra is really pretty 🙂 I have a question for all you guys. How do you all know each other? Can't wait for next interview! And have fun in France Victoria 😀
Thanks. ^ ^ I will ask them. 😉