Interview with Judah Mitchell (Subsapien)

Judah Mitchell (Subsapien)

Hey! I’m back with another blog post. Today’s is a character interview with the antagonist of my science-fiction novel Subsapien Biomech. Thanks to all who contributed questions! They’re all great. Honestly, I love them. *smiles* Here is Judah Mitchell. *turns to him in my chair* Hello, Mr. Mitchell.
*smiles* Hello, Victoria. Call me Judah.
Of course. I’ve got a lot of questions for you from the readers. Are you ready?
*has his ankle propped on one knee* Very ready. Give them to me.
Okay. *looks at laptop* Anonymous says: So Judah likes to go to his son’s basketball games? I was wondering how he felt about watching five-year olds trying to play. It must be pretty cute though! lol


*smiles wider* I enjoy watching my son and his teammates play. It’s always a pleasure to go.
The next person has several questions so I’ll break them up. Athelas Hale says: Hello, Judah. Since you’re the villain, I supposed I’m allowed to give you a hard time, yes?


*clears throat* Excuse me. Let me stop you there for a moment. Athelas, I can assure you I’m not a villain. I’m not sure where you received that information. *glances at me*
*clears throat too* Yeah. Go figure. Anyway. Athelas’s first question: If you had a choice: you could save your son, but everything you’ve worked toward would crumble, or your son would die and you would win, what would you do?
Well, that is certainly an interesting hypothetical question. I would of course save my son.
Next question from Athelas: If your son were to find out who you are and what you do, what would you say to him?
*furrows brow slightly* I’m not quite sure how to answer that. I’m who you see today.
All right. Last question from Athelas: Have you ever actually killed someone (meaning actually, yourself, not assigning someone else to do it or just turning the other way)? Who, and how did you feel afterwards?
*frowns deeper* I’d never killed anyone. Why would you think that? *looks at me* What exactly did you put in that bio?
*averts eyes* You know just general stuff. *coughs* Okay next question. This one is from Lyssa(:: Judah, how old were you when you took over the company?
*expression softens* I was twenty-three. It was a year after I graduated college. My father had passed away. 
*nods* Zach Brown asks: Do you want your son to follow in your footsteps?
Yes, I intend Peter Elias to do that. 
Another Anonymous says: Hello, Judah. Two questions for you today: What is that one thing that frustrates you most?
I suppose when things don’t go as planned. *has hands placed on his propped up knee*
*reading questions off my laptop* And the second one from Anonymous: If you weren’t the CEO of Rota Enterprises, what would you do for a living?
That is an interesting question. I’ve always wanted to run the company, but I suppose something to do with the ocean. A marine biologist perhaps. *glances at his pricey wrist watch*
Cool. We’re getting to the last of our questions. Cassia Taylor has two. She asks: In your opinion, what’s more effective? Good cop or bad cop? And which one do you like to use?
*inhales then exhales* Good cop, I suppose.
And her second question: What was your dad like? How did he run the company? Are you picking up exactly where he left off or did you make a few changes?
My father was a very wise businessman, and he ran this company well. I run it very closely to how he did.
Here’s one from Shelli Grace: Judah, do you ever feel like the bad guy? Where you’re doing something, it might actually be good might actually be bad, but it just makes you feel like you’re the bad guy?
*smiles* At times we all feel like the bad guy, so yes.
And lastly three questions from JediKyra_117. She says: Wow. The head of Rota will be taking our questions. How grand. What’s it like being the head of such a powerful company?
It is a very busy but fulfilling job. I’m honored to be able to help my country the way this company does.
Her second question: Does your wife ever assist you in the running of Rota?
Yes, she does at times. My company is her top campaign supporter.
And last question: I do hope I’m not being too forward here, but does Rota ever offer internship opportunities? It would be thrilling to work for such a progressive company. Absolutely thrilling. 
Well, yes, you can. You can log into the Rota Enterprises website and find appropriate information or visit your nearest facility to apply in person.
And that’s it. Thank you for coming today, Judah.
Glad to be able to make it, Victoria.
And thank you again readers for those great questions! If you have any more comment and I’ll try to schedule another interview with Judah. You can check out more about Judah’s book in current projects, his book’s Pinterest board, pictures I’ve drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page. Thanks for reading!

What do you think of Judah? Do you have any more questions for him?

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10 years ago

Wow, such politically correct answers. Nice job Judah *thumbs up* 😉

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Lyssa(:
10 years ago

Heh heh. He gives his thanks. 😉 Thanks for commenting! 🙂

Cassidy Clayton
Cassidy Clayton
10 years ago

Yes, that.

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Cassidy Clayton
10 years ago

Hee hee. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

Connie Jean
Connie Jean
10 years ago

Wow, this guy seems like a very sympathetic antagonist! (Either that, or he's really good at acting.)

Victoria Grace Howell
Victoria Grace Howell
Reply to  Connie Jean
10 years ago

Both. 😉 Thanks for commenting! 🙂