Summer Update 2014

A pic from my BF and I’s photo shoot we did for Subsapien

Here’s my annual end of summer journal post! I really need to make these more like seasonal … Hm … I always seem to do one after DragonCon every year. XD This summer was a pretty exciting one, but I’m really looking forward to Fall. I much prefer cold weather.

Anyway … here’s an update about what’s going on in this geeky, tea-loving, character-drawing, writer’s journey to being a published author.

Update on Writing: I’m still working on the Subsapien series. I’ve received some rejections for Subsapien Biomech, but well that comes with the career. I believe some of the comments from one agent call for a rewrite for Subsapien Biomech, because I think it could be better than it is. I’m making Bryce the main character. I think he’s been harping me to be the main character for a while and I just haven’t been listening.

I’ll also be working on the third Subsapien book called “Hybrid” and perhaps my Red Hood story, because I really do need to write something fresh. I’ve been rewriting so long I don’t even remember what writing a first draft feels like. Currently, I’m still working on a rewrite of the second book of the Subsapien series Grafting.

I’m now writing for Geeks Under Grace which is a new site for Christian geeks. I’m working on my first article so I’m really excited for that. ^ ^ I’ve also been a guest on two blogs over the summer: Meek Geek and Red Lettering. Thank you, Casey Lynn Covel and Athelas Hale for having me.

If you haven’t already noticed, I’m doing four blog posts a week now. Soundtrack Sundays, Tea Tuesday, Wonderful Word Wednesday and the main blog post on Saturdays. Don’t miss them!

Update on Geekiness: This summer I attended two conventions. I attended MomoCon in May

Manu’s autograph!

(I did a full post on that one) and DragonCon just last Saturday. I only attended DragonCon one day this year, but it was a jam-packed day. I donned my elf costume. Yes, I wore it last year, but it’s a really fun costume to wear. I attended a panel for the show Arrow where actors Manu Bennett (Slade), Caty Lotz (Sara Lance) and Katrina Law (Nyssa al Ghul) spoke about the show. The funniest bit had to be on how Manu Bennett got his role for Slade, the antagonist for the show.

Manu had just come back to Los Angelas from training with soldiers in Kuwait for a role. He was about to take a flight home to New Zealand (his accent is amazing by the way) when his agent called him and asked him when his flight leaves. “Three hours,” Manu replied. The agent proceeded to tell him that he wanted Manu to audition for the role of Slade for Arrow, so Manu went to studio to audition.

The director gave him the script which describes Slade as this tough, military guy so Manu decided to use some of his attitude and use a move he learned from the Kuwait soldiers on guy he was reading the script with. So he grabs his script reader guy in a choke hold and says in his deep, Aussie, Slade voice, “Listen, kid, if you don’t tell me what I need to know I’m going to break your neck.” The script guy got so scared, he fainted from the choke hold and Manu thought, “Oh crap. I’m going to get in so much trouble.” So some people take the passed-out script guy to the bathroom to revive him and Manu looks at the director. And the director says, “THAT WAS PERFECT!” So that’s how Manu got the role.

Besides attending that awesome panel, I got some loot from the bizarre and art gallery and got to meet Manu and get his autograph! Two more celebrities I met were Karl Urban (Eomir from the Lord of the Rings and McCoy from Star Trek) and Craig Parker (Haldir from the Lord of the Rings). Craig Parker made the whole day worth it. He was so kind and he loved my costume! He has a fantastic British accent that I couldn’t help copying while talking to him. All and all it was a great con. ^ ^

Craig Parker!

Update on Art: One of my new year resolutions was to do at least one drawing a month and per usual I’ve been drawing my characters. Here are a few I’ve done this summer. You can check out more on my deviantART:

Emil and Ashlyn from Subsapien
Bryce and Matt from Subsapien
Renee from Subsapien

What I’ve Learned: I feel like contrary to last year this year has been rocky in regards to writing. I got some harsh critique after entering a contest this summer and I didn’t think rejections would hit me as hard as they did, but yeah I got thrown into a bit of a funk.

I think one thing I’ve learned over the summer is endurance and perseverance. Rejections are part of the job and I have to get used to them. I’m still plodding along. I just feel like I’ve got to go through some muck of self-doubt for a while. In summary, I’ve learned even when the road gets really tough you gotta keep going even if it seems like you may never get there.

Thank yous: I want to thank all my followers for reading and commenting, my posts, and emailing me. You guys are great and you encourage me to keep pursuing my dream. Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me in this not-so-normal career choice. Thank you God for all You’ve given me good or bad. I want to highlight Cassia Schaar, Amy Covel, Ruth Blomgren, and Cassidy Clayton because you guys have been especially encouraging to me.

Thank you, Cassia Schaar, for being my word war buddy and making me write even when I didn’t feel like it.

Thank you, Amy Covel, for the fantastic fan art and encouraging words you gave me when I felt especially down about the rejections.

Matt (left) and Bryce (right) piece called “I’m Here”

Thank you, Ruth Blomgren, for your emails and your amazing drawings. You’ve been such a blessing to me. Here are a just a few of my favorite. I’ve posted even more on my Facebook page.

Able from Subsapien

Bryce from Subsapien

Genderbent/Female Emil from Subsapien

Thank you, Cassidy Clayton, for being my best friend, critique buddy and for doing this amazing photo shoot with me playing as unnamed characters from Subsapien which involved us sneaking into my church and walking all over my neighborhood for a good place to shoot. (Yes, run on sentence.)

My unnamed grafting character.

Cassidy’s unnamed black-jacket character.

In conclusion, it’s definitely been an eventful summer, and I’m looking forward to fall and cool weather. In Georgia, it is hot. Thanks for reading!

How was your summer? What did you do?
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If you liked this post, come back every Saturday for more writing advice, character interviews, book reviews and more! On Sundays I have Soundtrack Sundays where I post a new score piece, Tuesdays are Tea Tuesdays with tea reviews, Wednesdays I have Wonderful Word Wednesdays where I post a new vocabulary word, and Fridays are Fan Fridays where I post tags and other goodies. To help support my dream to be an author follow this blog, like me on Facebook, watch me on deviantART, and follow me on Pinterest and Twitter. If you want to know more about my books check out them out here. Thank you! 🙂
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