It’s Wonderful Word Wednesday again! Do you as a writer ever struggle finding that perfect word to describe something or you want to shake your writing up with some new words? Each Wednesday I post hand-picked descriptive words for writers and other vocabulary nerds out there. 😉
adjective, Also, bucolical
1.) of or relating to shepherds; pastoral.
2.) of, relating to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life.
3.) a pastoral poem.
4.) Archaic. a farmer; shepherd; rustic.
Example Sentence: Dina would much prefer a bucolic lifestyle as opposed to the Red Hood lifestyle.

Have you seen or used this word before? What do you think of it?
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Yay another word lover! I'm glad you like this one. Do you have a favorite word? Thanks for commenting!
How fun! I love words, big and small, ordinary and odd. I wasn't familiar with this one, but I'm glad to have added a new wonderful word to my vocabulary. 🙂
How fun! I love words, big and small, ordinary and odd. I wasn't familiar with this one, but I'm glad to have added a new wonderful word to my vocabulary. 🙂
That's interesting. Yes indeed. There are so many amazing words out there! I try to implement them in my writing when I can and spread awareness through these posts lol. Use the English language to the fullest! Thank you for stopping by!
Aha, a word I actually know. Though I only know it through folk and pastoral songs, and through my love of Shakespeare. Though I don't think I've ever actually had the chance to use it sadly. So many good words I haven't tried working in somewhere yet.