Beautiful People isn’t going up this month I guess, but I have a backup plan! More tags! I love doing these even though it does take me a while to get to them. XD And these are ones I haven’t seen circulate too much yet!

Sara Letourneau @ Her Website and Blog tagged me for this a while back and it looks super fun! Thank you, Sara!
Question #1: What’s your favorite genre?
I guess ultimately fantasy. It’s such a fun genre and I love the versatility and world building.
Question #2: Who’s your favorite author from this genre?
Geez. This is a hard question. I’m going to narrow it to top three and those would have to be J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Bryan Davis.
Question #3: What is it about the genre that keeps pulling you back?
The world building. I absolutely love exploring new worlds through books, new settings, creature, magic, and more. I love it. ^ ^
Question #4: What’s the book that started your love for this genre?
Very stereotypical, but the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. XD
Question #5: If you had to recommend at least one book from your favorite genre to a non-reader / someone looking to start reading that genre, what book(s) would you choose and why?
I’m going to recommend five.
1.) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien – Tolkien is the grandfather of modern fantasy. You have to read him.
2.) The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis – Lewis is the other grandfather of modern fantasy.
3.) Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard – This book marries magical fantasy with modern technology in a excellent blend of medieval and modern. The world building is fantastic.
4.) Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas – This fantasy has an antihero as the protagonist and has awesome worldbuilding, including portals, fae, evil kings, witches, and skinwalkers. What’s not to like?
5.) The Blood of Kings by Jill Williamson – Telepaths galore! I love the exploration of telepathy in this series.
Question #6: Why do you read?
It takes me to new worlds and I learn from the craft to become a better writer.
E.E. Rawls @ Her Website and Blog put this tag out as a free for all. Thank you, E. for letting me steal it haha. XD
1. Who are your favorite authors, and do they influence your writing?
I listed them in the previous tag, but I’ll expand on their influence here.
J.R.R. Tolkien – His exploration in languages is inspiring. Just the sheer detail he put into his storyworld is mind blowing. No one can top Tolkien in that.
C.S. Lewis – I love he marries faith with fiction and uses it to make faith easier to understand even for children.
Bryan Davis – His books really made me feel like I was with the characters. I felt the closest with them than any other book I’d read.
Jill Williamson – Her books introduced me to a faster pace of writing.
Victoria Aveyard – I just love how she puts magic and tech together. It’s amazing.
2.Why do you write?
I can’t imagine doing anything else.
3. Is writing something you (would) do for a living, or is it just a hobby?
I want to be a writer a career.
4. Do you enjoy reading the same genres that you enjoy writing? Why or why not?
Oh yeah. Of course. I like learning from people who’ve been successful in my genre.
5. If you could use one GIF to describe your writerly self, what would it be?

6. How do you deal with writers’ block?
I rarely get it nowadays, but I always make myself shove through it or take a short break. One or the two. But I don’t languish in it for months on end. You can’t do that if you want a career in writing.
7. How do you feel about writing explicit content (e.g. “curse words” or suggestive content) in books for young people? Why?
It depends on how young of young people, but we’ll go with YA since that’s my genre. I think a few swear words can be realistic and I think mature content can be mentioned, but I don’t condone YA riddled with f-bombs and tons of sex.
8. Have you written books for adults before/after writing for young readers? What’s the transition between genres like?
I’ve written adult articles and flash fiction, but not entire books. I guess the biggest transition is getting into the mind of an adult instead of a teenager.
9. What do you think of self-publishing versus traditional publishing? If you’ve only published traditionally, would you ever self-publish? And if you’re a self-published author, would you ever go the traditional route?
I want to go to the traditional route and I’ve had flash-fiction traditionally published. I don’t disparage self-publishing. I just don’t think it should be the first option and I think the market is currently swamped with a lot of really bad self-published books.
10. What’s one question you’ve been dying to ask other MG/YA writers?
Uhhh. If you could live in your storyworld, would you?
Les Nominees:
1.) Christine @ Musings of an Elf
2.) Anna @ Light from the Shadows
3.) Liz @ Out of Coffee Out of Mind
4.) Alison @ Alison’s Wonderland Recipes
5.) Tracey @ Adventure Awaits
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