It is regrettably not sweater weather right now, but I’m hoping maybe this tag will make good vibes, so cool weather will cometh! Stay back, summer! *pokes sword at the season* It’s too soon!

Les Rules:
- Give the person who tagged you a never-ending supply of cookies (or just thank them – either work)
- Answer all the questions and use the blog graphic for this tag somewhere in your post
- Pass along the tag to at least five other people
- Wear a sweater (okay, this is optional…but why wouldn’t you want to??)

Any story by Beatrix Potter is a comfort, but this one, in particular, I have fond memories reading over and over again throughout my childhood. … And I really don’t appreciate Hollywood trying to ruin it.

Every cover I find of this book is a little weird. The images in this particular cover are relevant, but the composition is lacking which makes all of the pieces look random.

This is a big freaking omnibus and it cost me like $30. It’s like 3 inches thick.

I’m a HUGE fan of this series. I’ve read all of the books and I’ve seen the old Disney TV film which I love, but I didn’t like the new one. The older version and the book are so much better.

I didn’t buy this book, but I saw it on the shelf at the library and promptly started reading it and I’m totally hooked on the series. Leigh Bardugo has become one of my favorite writers.

My mom called me Pooh affectionately as a child, because I’m so much like him. I love his stories and he’s my spirit animal.

Mr. Davis couldn’t get this published traditionally so he pulled all the strings he’s gathered by being traditionally published and published this book himself. It’s high quality and the cover is really cool.

There was so much hype about this book across the blogosphere that I bought it as soon as I could. I read it and … it just is not my thing. The character development is very good, but the plot was sorely lacking and I need me some plot.

I wasn’t too crazy about this book, but I do commend the authors for trying this crazy formatting to tell a story.

I thought all three of the main characters were very well fleshed-out in this book. I felt like they were my good friends by the end.
Les Nominees:
1.) Anna @ The Story Scientist
2.) Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer
3.) Sky @ Ink Castles
4.) Keturah @ Keturah’s Corner
5.) Deborah @ The Road of a Writer