It’s that time again for another link-up! Thank you to everyone who participated last month’s link up on love interests!
This month will be on the main character’s best friend. Most characters have at least one close friend and if not at the beginning the best friend will probably come later on. So what does your main character’s best friend look like? How does his or her appearance relate to his or her personality? Let’s see!
What is it?
This link-up focuses on your characters from the outside and how your character’s description can tell a lot about your character. I’m hoping this will not only help pure writers, but also writers/artists to draw their characters more. I’m going to do a new link-up on the second Friday of the month. I hope you enjoy it and you learn some more about your characters!
How to Do It:
Step 1.) Find three pieces of art that describe your character. This can be your own drawings or cosplays or sculptures, someone else’s art (with their permission and/or crediting of course), celebrity pictures, or a combination of the three.
Step 2.) Answer the questions below about your character’s description and link back to this blog so if anyone else wants to participate they know where to go.
Step 3.) Put it all in a blog post or deviantART journal.
Step 4.) When you post it, link up here and you’re done!
The Questions:
The Link-Up: