How I found it: I found this tea on the Adagio tea website while browsing through their many fandom blends. This is same tea company I got the Aang, Katara, Zuko, Toph,Iroh and Cactus Juice blends.They have so many spectacular teas! I stumbled upon BBC Sherlock teas, and I had to get them! The set also includes: Sherlock Holmes (of course 😉 ), John Watson, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson.
The Tea: This tea totally reflects on Mycroft’s personality as it mimics the taste of cake or cookies. It also tastes snarky and snooty like him. It’s very fragrant with cloves, spices, and vanilla from the rooibos vanilla chai, a chocolaty sweet taste from the chocolate chip and smooth from the cream. I can definitely see Mycroft drinking this. It reminds me a bit of something you’d have around Christmas like Wassail. It’s a unique flavor unlike any other tea I’ve had.
Serving Recommendations: Be careful not to let this tea steep too long since it can turn bitter. Three minutes is perfect. I had mine with sugar and cream to complete the cake-like flavor.
How much is it and where can you get it? You can find this tea at the Adagio website. I bought this tea in a sample set which was about $22 including shipping and you get a goodly amount of tea since you only need about a teaspoon per cup.
So how good is it? This is my favorite of the set. I’ve had it twice already. Five stars!

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