Welcome to the big 50th Interview Celebration! I started this idea two years ago and it’s grown so much. All of this is thanks for to the dozens of volunteers I’ve had for this project from every continent on the planet. I couldn’t do this massive collaboration effort without you guys. Thanks to you this project covers a quarter of the world’s countries!
Here’s a complete list of all of the country interviews! Look at them all!
These are just the ones I have up, but more country interviews are coming including South Africa, Poland, Nigeria, The Czech Republic, Russia, Morocco, Hungary, Kenya, Denmark, Argentina, Denmark, Haiti, Luxembourg, Brazil, Spain, Grenada, and Egypt!
This project was designed so citizens from the world over could have a voice about their countries so authors could know how to write them right. I’ve had multiple responses about how this project has helped authors with their projects.
As someone who’s currently working with a Canadian character, this was really helpful to read! I’m definitely going to be referencing it in the future. ~ Maggie
I have a character that is half-Mexican. Not entirely sure yet if she has ever lived in Mexico, but I’m grateful for this post! ~ Sofia Race
I needed this [interview about England], I am writing a Sherlock retelling and I don’t want anything to be wrong. ~ Skye
This post is really helpful, as I have a country loosely set in the fantasy equivalent of Bulgaria! It’s wonderful to have an insider perspective. 🙂 ~ Melissa Gravitis
Very informative post, thank you, Emily. My current work in progress takes place in Italy, so this should be really helpful. ~ Chelsea Hindle
Wow, I always find these posts to be very informative, and a good starting point for research. I especially liked the So Your Character is Canadian one since I have a Canadian protagonist. ~ Robin Kelly Van Rensburg
Wonderful! I’m writing a young adult fantasy novel set in Slovakia in 1910. I’ve researched what I can find, but it’s great to read something from a native Slovak … ~Karen Todd
…This was a really great post, especially since I’m writing a book that has some Korean characters and is set partly in S. Korea! ~ The Book Prophet
Thank you so much for this, Melissa and Victoria! I am, in fact, planning for my next book to be a YA set in Thailand in an international school. ~ Shanti
I asked you guys for any and all questions you have about this project and well only one of you asked a question so I’m going to fill out some other questions that people have asked in email or I think you may be asking … I’m winging this …
1.) How and why did you start this project?
I came up with this idea two years ago because I saw how so many people are concerned about stereotypes and misrepresentation, me included. I already did some posts about being a Christian, a hunter, homeschooled, and adopted because I was irritated with all the misconceptions about those things. Then I got the idea to expand beyond that. I already knew several bloggers from other countries so I decided to interview them and the project expanded from there.
2.) How do you find participants for this project?
A small percentage I already knew and a slightly bigger percentage volunteer (which I really appreciate. It makes me feel honored when people volunteer), but most people I found. I do this by looking at tags on blogs and checking peoples’ bios. If they’re from a country that I need or need an additional entry for I contact them. Most of the time they reply and most of the time they agree to participate, but then there are the ones that never reply or reply then drop off the face of the earth. XD So it’s a very long process to find interviewees.
3.) Why does my interview take so long to go up?
As I mentioned before it takes a long time to find interviewees. Every six months I search a ton of blogs and contact people so I can have the next six months worth of interviews planned. I do this so I can make sure to keep the project going. I give my interviewees a deadline because if they I don’t they’ll often forget.
4.) How can I participate in this project?
If you’re from a country I don’t have or you think you can add a different perspective from an existing country, please contact me at howellvictoriagrace(a)gmail(dot)com!
5.) You’ve already covered my country so how can I help with this project?
Sharing the project is great. I need the word to get out and if you know anyone who you think could be interested in the project, please refer them to me!
I’m doing two giveaways! I’ve got USA giveaway and of course, I’ve gotta do an international giveaway! Each giveaway is going to go on for about a month for big interviewee entry! If you are an interviewee or you find an interviewee that gets their interview in before the giveaway is over you get an additional five entries!
The winner of this giveaway will receive this snazzy scratch map, a $10 Adagio tea gift card, and a crap ton of candy from all over the world!
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There is candy from China, Japan, India, France, Italy, England, Scotland, Mexico, Columbia, Slovakia, Russia, and other various Eastern European countries! |
The winner will receive a $40 Amazon gift card!
This project is far from over. I’d love to keep it growing and create an even bigger archive for writers. If you are interested in participating in this project or know someone who might be interested please contact me at howellvictoriagrace(a)gmail(dot)com! Also, if you’d like to add your thoughts to an existing interview, I’d love that too. I try to keep interviews to three interviewees max, but I don’t mind doing a part two. I’m especially looking for people from or have lived in more than a year Zimbabwe, Switzerland, Venezuela, Iraq, and Cuba.